meeting with the big wig

Jul 24, 2008 11:17

Well I don't really know if I came out of the meeting with everything I hoped for but I was able to get my big boss to yell at me while I remained completely calm - successfully making her look like an ass. Which is good enough for me. I still have my job and I was able to still retain my flexible hours. You win some, you lose some I guess.

The job search is depressing. I've decided not to think about it. For now I will focus on my newest obsession Batman/Joker slash. This pairing is so dangerously delicious it just sets my pants on fire. Especially when you think about Heath Ledger's body underneath the jokers clothing *and* Christan Beal's. Oh lord, those are two fine looking men.  The pairing is filled with my number one fetish non-con. But the beauty is that they both *need* each other even though they hate one another.  Like Joker said in the movie "Why would I kill you? You complete me." Which made purple
purplelev and I howl with laughter in the theater.

Anywho - back to the grind.

ellie, job hunt, batman/joker, cnc

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