Mar 26, 2007 21:31
It's amazing how somethings just fall into play. Jase and I have decided to work things out, yet I still find myself completely unhappy. I have been spending a lot of time with David, and for some reason all though I know he's gay and into guys, I still feel like there is something between this guy and myself. The way he makes me feel, and the way that he cares for me is just un~real. I love how thru out my day, we text message back and forth all day, always seems to make my day a lot brighter. I really don't know what I'd do without him.
The only time that I find myself completely happy and content is when Im with him, but why? Its like right now, the only person I can think of is David. I have two guys, one on left hand one on right hand and I find David in the middle screaming no no no both bad, which is what leads me to wonder if Im in love with this guy. Wait....OMG! I am in love with this guy! He's the only guy I don't fight with, we get along like peanut butter and jelly, and Im fully content with this guy!
IM IN LOVE WITH DAVID!!! Now what do I do, should I tell him or hide it away? OoO I think Im going to go back to the time where I didn't believe in love, because I seriously don't think he'd allow us to date each other. All though on the other hand, really nothing would be changing because we are dateing each other now. UGH! Im so confused, and now when I see him I will be acting all goofy and stuff. Why couldn't I date him? Only down fall would be there would be no sex, which I could deal with, wouldn't have to worry about getting prego. SWEET! :-D I don't know what to do, I just hope things work out!
Ne ways, this is getting long and the more I type the more I think, I guess Im going to end this on, I hope that one day I will be able to tell him how I feel and hopefully be able to date him and be happy!