Back With A Vengence!

Oct 27, 2005 03:30

Last Person You

Hugged? Ali (I got a kiss, too, in case you're interested :-D)
Spoke to? Um...Nick, and Skylar online
Yelled at? Hmm...dunno. Probably Abby
laughed with? Ian, Becky and Ali
snuggled? Ali
Missed? Ali
Hated? Crazy people
Had a serious conversation with? I dunno, probably Becky earlier
Made you learn something about yourself? Hmm...Abby
angered you? Abby
You longed to see again? Kelly (it's been like, a year since I saw you, dammit!)
Acted silly with? Uh...Ali
who gave you something? Hmm...dunno
Cried to? No crying as of late

Last Thing

You ate? Ice cream
drank? Coffee
you played with? Ali's shirt(s)
That irritated you? Crazy people
You wished for? Woosa

Can you

Admit when you're wrong? When I really am, yeah
be the one to call someone? Yup
be vulnerable to anyone? Been there, done that, gonna take a while 'fore it happens again
Admit when you're afraid? Yup
Take a compliment? Not a lot of 'em
lick your elbow? Sure can't
Trust the opposite sex? Pff, with what good reason?
Love someone with everything you are? Again, been there, done that. If the opportunity arose, I could, just not right away
Love everything and everyone? Hell no, I like hating the people I do
Easily figure out what it is you want in life? I had it all planned out, and then that got shat on. So I'm rebuilding, working things out, changing plans I had, and I'm liking the way my life is looking now.
Let loose and have fun? Just dip me in honey and toss me to the lesbians
Read other people well? I can read and gain an understanding of people really well right off the bat.
Connect with other people? I can, but I don't
ignore your emotions? Why ignore them? Embrace them, use them, and work through them


Name: Jonah "Lurch" Napoli

Nicknames: Uh, Lurch, Lurchy McHomey-Pants, Spyder, J, Vaginaface...that's the more regular ones

Age: 20 for about 3 more months

Height: 6'4

Hair color: right now, black with brown patches that I missed when I dyed it myself. Thinking of bleaching it out and going with a whole new color...maybe a copper red or something

Hair type: Thick as all hell

Eye color: Turquoise

Siblings: 1 half-bro nate, 2 half-sis' mary and erin (never met those two though)

Do they look like you?: I don't look like anybody in my family

Screen Name: SpyderFingerz

Girlfriend: Not exactly, but it's a work in progress

Crush/No crush: Major crushin' on my Ali-Boo

How do you describe yourself in ten words: Sarcastic, Cynical, Reserved, Emotional, Witty, Loveable, Caring, Funny, Honest, Profound

What's your sign?: Aquarius

In the past week have you...

Cried?: Um...yes

Cut Your hair?: I don't think so, but...actually, yes, I think I did

Worn a skirt?: Negatory

Worn a tie?: Damn Dee's

Been mean?: Apparently

Been sarcastic?: Me? NEVER!

Gone for a walk?: Shit, I dunno, maybe?

Met someone new?: other half

Said "I love you"?(and meant it): Not anymore

Taken a real test?: No

Hugged someone?: I'm getting to where I get cranky if I don't hug Ali

Had a nightmare?: Uh...dreams don't happen with me anymore

On preferences

Chocolate milk or hot chocolate: HAT CHACLAT!

McDonalds or Burger King: BK, I haven't eaten McDonalds in YEARS

Coke or Pepsi: I prefer the Pepsi Vanilla

Rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend: Should be the same person, in my book

Tea or coffee: Coffee

Sappy/action/comedy/horror: Action or Comedy, or Dramady

Cats or Dogs: More of a dog person myself

Ocean or pool: OCEAN, DAMN YOU!

With or without ice cubes: Meh

Milk/Dark/White chocolate: Dark

Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring: Spring and Fall

Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate

Skiiing or Snow boarding: I prefer boarding

Biking or blading: Bike

Cake or cookies: Cookies, fuck cake

Cereal or toast: Hmm...I like toast

Night or day: Hell, nights are when I'm alive nowadays

Gloves or mittens: Gloves, mittens make me feel like i'm 6

Bunk bed or waterbed: Ugh, just give me a pillow-top mattress, please

Chewing gum or hard candy: Gum (repetitive stress disorder, remember?)

Motor boat or sailboat: Motor, so you can tube behind it

Lights on or off: Off, preferably

Who Likes You: Lotsa folks. Then again, a lot of people don't, but they don't know me, so fuck 'em

What are your three favorite...

Numbers: 13, 31, 21

Colors: Black, Silver, Emerald

Drinks: Coffee, Pepsi Vanilla, Raspberry Iced Tea

Animals: Tigers, Dogs, Pandas (but only cause I am one)

Holidays: Halloween, Christmas, My Birthday

Bands: Horrorpops, Roisin Murphy, The All-American Rejects (such different bands)

Songs: Fuck that, too many

Books: Hmm...The Giver, The Lovely Bones, and...coloring books

Movies: The Nightmare Before Christmas, As Good As It Gets, The Boondock Saints

Radio Stations: My iPod

Places: Hell if I know

Flowers: Fire & Ice Roses are the only flowers I like

Scents: Vanilla, Citrus, the smell Ali leaves on me after we snuggle

Foods: Too many

Shapes: Uh...your mom?

Feelings: Grim Satisfaction, Unquestioned Happiness, True Love

In the future

What's your house gonna look like: I used to want a HUGE house, lots of rooms, insanely massive. Now I just want what I need, with maybe a little extra room to play around with

Car: I heart my current car, but can't afford it. I can see myself behind the wheel of a baby SUV, I think

Where you gonna live?: Not Utah, that's for damn sure. Somewhere beach-adjacent will be required

How many kids?: At least 2, 4 at the most

Names (Girl): I actually like the name Domino for a girl...Domino Napoli...that girl will kick some serious ass

Names (Boy): Going back to an old one I liked, Sebastian

On relationships

Do you like to call or be called: Either one is good

Ever been in love: Sure have

Name one thing...

You love: iPod

You're embarrassed about: I dunno...excessive compliments?

You REALLY wanna find: solace in all of this

You plan on doing on the weekend: Woot, multiple halloween parties, yo!

You plan on doing tomorrow: Work, giving Ali her gonna-break-her-ankle shoes back

That's hard for you to do: trust

That annoys you: immaturity

What's the first thing you do when you...

Get up: check my cell phone to see if anybody (wanted or otherwise) has texted me

Get in the shower: just stand there for a minute, soak it all up

See a hot guy: shrug

Know someone likes you: if I like them too, I flirt like a crazy person.

Yes or No

Female president: I'd vote for a few women

Roller coasters: HELL yes

Thunderstorms: Absolutely

Food in bed: Kinky? Maybe kinda sorta?

High heels: Lol, Ali's gonna break her ankle

Mexican food: Meh

Bill Clinton: Interesting chap

Body Piercings: Dig 'em

Insects: Meh

Little kids: 'em (in a strictly non-Michael Jackson kinda way)

Abortion: Pro-Choice

Tattoos: REALLY want one

Alcohol: Woot

Smoking: tell me


Do you have your own line: My cell, yes

Do you have a cell phone: See above


Do you twirl your hair: Not mine

Impersonate: Meatwad...Aqua Teen Hunger Force...'nuff said

Chew gum obnoxiously: I can, but I don't

Cheat on tests/homework?: Haven't had any for a long time

Drink/Smoke?: *whistles and looks around*

How often do you...

Take a shower: At least every other day, if I don't stank!

Make your bed: Pff, whenever

Go online: At least once a day, the MySpace is like crack

Think about the opposite sex: Just one, lately

Think about sex: Meh


What specific place makes you feel excited? Hmm...I don't know, that's actually kinda sad

What person makes you feel excited?(Not like that) I always get a smile on my face when I see Ali walkin' up

What place makes you nervous? Strangers that camper yesterday...strange-city

What about people that make you nervous? Takes a lot to make me nervous

Where in the whole world would you feel most angry, or would remind you of intense angry feelings just by being there? Right now, Echo Lake. Keep me the HELL away from that place

What about who makes you angriest? We all know the answer(s) to that one as of late, no need to bring it up

What place makes you feel bitter-sweet or regretful? Hmm...Felicia's driveway

Who makes you feel that way, and lets throw in a "why?" Abby. We had it all planned out, and she walked away without even batting an eye. It makes you wonder (especially when you have trust issues like myself) who you really can trust in this life. I expect to be betrayed by most everybody at some point, but there are those select few, those absolutely amazing people that I know I can trust no matter what. I always thought Abby would be one of those people, but I guess I was wrong.

What place makes you feel afraid? Places that I don't know, which sounds really stupid.

What person? Some of those creepers that come into Dee's


1 MINUTE AGO: Um...I started talking to Nick online
1 DAY AGO: I was snuggling in a trailer with Ali (and Ian)
1 WEEK AGO: I was...reminiscing about the Horrorpops concert
1 YEAR AGO: I was single, just like now


I HURT: not as much as I used to
I LOVE: the idea of a fresh start
I HATE: those who judge and hate me for absolutely no reason whatsoever
I FEAR: driving in snow
I HOPE: to get what I want out of life
I FEEL: drained, confused, and flat out...empty
I BREAK: hearts, but not on purpose
I LISTEN: to myself, because I'm usually right
I HIDE: my emotions rather well
I DRIVE: da beetle
I PLAY: hard-to-get
I BREATHE: oxygen?
I MISS: being totally debt free
I LEARNED: LOTS, in the past 2 months
I KNOW: this isn't the end of the world for me, I will rise above it and live the life I'm supposed to
I SAY: "Good Times" a lot
I DREAM: of Jeannie
I FELL: when I tried to click my heels last week
I WAIT: for the long-ass days at Dee's to finally come to an end
I NEED: some time to be by myself and think
I THINK: way too much, sometimes

::Ten years ago::
Shit, I was only 10 years old. Such simpler times, kinda wish I could go back and do things a little differently

::Five years ago::
15, in love with Haley, and getting close to the most suicidal I've ever been in my life

::One year ago::
I was 19, single, being snuggled by Kelly a lot, trying to fix my mistake with Abby, trying to build something with Felicia, and felt like I wasn't getting anywhere

Well, technically, I woke up in the trailer that was about 8,000 degrees, took Ali to breakfast, took her home, went home, got ready, picked her up, went and got Becky, and we went to Blue Boutique. Exchanged Ali's shoes for her Halloween costume, went to Dee's again, ate some food, went to Becky's house, hung out, kinda semi-slept there for a bit, went BACK to Dee's, talked to Steph about not killing Aaron, kissed Ali goodbye, came home, got on the space, and here we are.

Today has been nothing but MySpace thus far (it's 3:20 in the morning, and I've been here since 1:00)

Work at 5:00, hopefully see my Ali-Boo somewhere in the evening's events.

::Five snacks I enjoy::

1. Original Pringles

2. Garlic Toast

3. Ritz Crackers with pepperoni and cheddar cheese

4. Cheddar Cheese

5. Babies

::Five bands/singers I know the lyrics to most of their songs::

1. Horrorpops

2. Fall Out Boy

3. My Chemical Romance

4. The Postal Service

5. Muse

::Five things I would do with $100,000,000::

1. Pay off my debt and blow this popsicle stand

2. Build my dream house in Hawaii

3. Go to a restaurant and give my waiter/waitress a HUGE tip

4. Buy every CD and DVD I ever wanted

5. Put some away for my kids

::Five things I like doing::

1. Singing

2. Snuggling Ali

3. MySpacein' it up

4. Making Out (with Ali)

5. Just sitting around, playin' some cards, havin some drinks, smokin' some smokes, and listening to music

::Five things I wish I could wear::

1. Uh...I don't know





::Five tv shows I like::

1. Grey's Anatomy

2. Gilmore Girls

3. Smallville

4. The Simpsons

5. Family Guy

::Five movies I like::

1. The Nightmare Before Christmas

2. As Good As It Gets

3. The Boondock Saints

4. Lords Of Dogtown

5. High Fidelity

::Five famous people I'd like to meet:::

1. Jack Nicholson
2. Dane Cook
3. Meryl Streep
4. Alexis Bledel
5. Kristen Kruek


Current Clothes: Good jeans, CBGB t-shirt, and Rocky & Bullwinkle boxers
Current Mood: Confused
Current Music: Nothin, it's late
Current Taste: Stagnant mouth
Current Hair: Straight, flattened by my fedora all night
Current Annoyance: My confusedness
Current Smell: My house, same as usual
Current thing I ought to be doing: Sleeping?
Current Desktop Picture: Ali biting my goddamn nose off
Current Favorite bands: Too many
Current Book: Dunno
Current DVD In Player: Um...High Fidelity, if memory serves
Current Refreshment: Nothin, but I'm getting hungry again
Current Worry: Meh
Current Crush: The Ali of course
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