Random news for a random kind of guy...

Oct 15, 2006 22:49

Well, seems that Nekocon is a GO.

Simon and I are finalizing all the bullshit plans and what not. Looks as if we will be leaving Thursday, November 2nd...either in the morning or afternoon. Depending on if he has to appear in court for his speeding ticket incident...the night of the famous dinner at Ninja in lower Manhatten.

Some time off to relax and bullshit is always nice. Kit, if you can make that Chopper hat, that will rock hardcore.

The NFL still to me stands for "No Fucking Logic"

In other news, our house was supposed to be torn down Friday. And now here it is Sunday...and it's still there. These contractor guys are fucking retarded. However, my dad did say, that once the house comes down and the foundation is torn out...the new house should be put up in place in about four months. So...in another few months, this entire suck ass year of 2006 can be behind my family and give 2007 a nice fresh start.

Lastly, Bryan and I are speaking on what is in store for Black Friday 4. Since last year Bryan didn't have much internet access at the time of the event, and my entire house fire incident, we never got to post and speak on the fiasco that was Best Buy in Orange that hellish night. But mark our words, this year....is going to be the craziest, most outrageous, most ridiculous Black Friday event in the history of....history.

Pic somewhat related.

New banner, and YouTube trailer for Black Friday 4...coming soon!
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