Buffalo and wine??!!

May 19, 2008 11:39

Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We were on vacation all last week in the Black Hills in South Dakota. The week leading up to vacation was a nightmare. We had a magazine for a special event that was due, it was a mess. Anyway, we are back safe and sound from vacation. We had an amazing time, it was soooo relaxing! If you've never been to the Black Hills, you should go. It is so beautiful and peaceful there. For those of you who know me, we managed to find the only winery in the state. I know, huge shocker. The wine was great and we ended up buying a case. Yum!

The only not-so-peaceful event happened last Wednesday. We were going to a cave tour and on the way we decided to take this "Scenic Wildlife Loop" in Custer State Park. We saw a couple of buffalo right when we entered, but they were about 20 yards off the road in a grassy area. Even from that far away they look huge! About 10 minutes later we rounded a curve and there were about 10 buffalo right in the middle of the road. I nearly wet myself! We waited about five minutes for them to get off the road, and half of them broke from the pack and started trotting down the road. The other half moved off the road so we slowly drove past them. Now we had to wait for the other ones to get off the road. While we were waiting for that, we looked behind us and the ones we passed started running full speed right at us. I decided then that we needed to zoom past the other buffalo in front of us, even if they were on the road. Obviously we got out OK, but it was still scary! The heads on these animals are about the size of the car we were driving. If one of them started to ram our car, it could be bad.

Craig and I had a spa day on Tuesday in Hot Springs, SD. We soaked in the naturally heated mineral springs and then we both had an hour massage. It was great! Other than that we did some hiking, biking and we went on a horse trail ride. We also ate some great food! The steak out there is incredible.

Well, I hope to be posting more now that my work schedule isn't so crazy.

Peace out!
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