Spring Cleaning!

Apr 21, 2008 10:16

Yesterday Craig and I cleaned for 4 hours! Our two-bedroom condo has 14 windows in it, so it took us an hour-and-a-half to clean all of them. There was some construction going on across the street from us last summer, so all that mud and dirt was on our windows and screens. Yuck! I feel so much cleaner now that more light is coming in through our windows.

We took our cat outside for the first time yesterday. He's 5, but we rescued him in January, so I don't know if he was ever outside before. He let us put a harness on him, but I had to carry him down the stairs to the yard. He rolled around in the grass for about an hour and soaked up the sun. The only bad thing was he ate a bunch of grass and puked it up about an hour later! Oh well, at least he puked on the wood floor so it was easy to clean up. :)

Got to see Baby LP on Friday. She is so adorable! When I walked in the room she started crying, but she was OK when I held her. That's a good sign she wasn't crying because of me!

Anyway, more later...
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