And the beat goes on

Mar 20, 2008 08:07

I'm currently in wait-and-see mode about a lot of things in my life. For a while, I tried to fight it, but now I'm just accepting that that's where I am at the moment. Waiting about things at work and things with Robert and things with school and and and...

I'm reading this book called "Happier" that is apparently written by some professor who teaches positive psychology at Harvard. It's... interesting. I picked it up because one of the feeds in my Google reader reviewed it and it sounded like an odd book. Anyway, I guess this guy's class is the most popular class offered at Harvard. The book has all these little activities (assignments) to do in it. I'm not doing them, although I try to at least think about them as I come across them. He talks a lot about Hedonism and Nihilism and stuff and contrasts them with what it means to be happy. Anyway, it's kind of a good book. And I just finished the Golden Compass. Also a good book. I can see why all the religious nut-jobs screamed about it. Apparently the movie is way toned down on the religious aspect tho... Whatever. It's a book. If you don't like it, don't read it.

I've actually been on a pretty good reading kick recently, although I've mostly been rereading books I know by heart. That's alright. I'm allowed to do that once in a while. It's why I keep books in my library.

Finished my midterm, yay!

Anyway... I guess that's my random update.
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