*Throb...throb...throb... A sharp, piercing throb, every so often, and the dull persisting ache thundered in his head with a painful fury like Texas hadn't known...for a long time. Coupled with how fatigued he felt and the congestion in his chest, Texas knew he had something coming on- He could feel it. How though? He was always careful, or he
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...I'm gonna have to call you right back.
[Without even waiting to hear the response, New York ended the call and put his phone in his pocket. After checking to make sure no one was around, he then knocked on the door a few times.]
*He shifted his head out from under the pillow enough to have his face unobstructed.*
C'mon in- Don't turn on the light.
I heard you coughing...are you feeling okay?
[He felt a little silly asking the question, considering...well...the condition the other state was obviously in, but it was for formalities sake, really.]
*Texas forced a smile and pulled his head out from under the pillow, to rest on top of it again.*
Just reckon the flu's tryin' to sink its teeth into me. Serves me right for not gettin' a shot, hm?
*The last thing he wanted to do was give New York a reason to worry about him, especially as the Northerner had enough trouble with his own economy.*
Yeah, you ought to know better.
[But he played it off like he didn't have his usual suspicions, and knelt down next to the bed. He put his hand on Texas' head, to feel his temperature and offer just that small touch to the larger state in an effort to comfort him even just a little.]
I don't like shots.
*He shifted, to try to kiss New York's hand.*
What, a big guy like you?
[He was only playfully teasing, of course, and moved in to gently kiss Texas' head.]
*Texas allowed the kiss, even with the teasing. He shifted just enough to pull one arm out from under his blankets, and lifted it to stroke New York's hair while he was close.*
Call me crazy, but I don't like bein' stabbed, with anythin'.
No one does, but wouldn't it'd be better to go through with those five seconds of pain rather than sit here and suffer for a week?
*Texas shifted, putting himself a little closer to New York.*
If I get sick, are you gonna come an' visit me alot?
[Of course, that would be if Texas actually had the flu. He knew passing on what he had to New York was impossible.]
I don't think I'm contagious though...
[New York raised an eyebrow.]
Maybe we shouldn't take the risk though...
[Fishing for the actual problem here, Tex.]
[Alright, Texas. How do you go about questioning this in as least suspicious a way as possible.]
You don't believe me, do you?
[New York stayed in his spot, still with his head on the bed even though his expression changed.]
Well you said it was probably the flu, so why wouldn't you be? And my immune system's not really the best, you know...
[Texas couldn't tell if New York was trying to bluff him out or not. Damn.]
then maybe you shouldn't be here.
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