IC: Not as Recession-proof as Previously Believed

Feb 28, 2011 01:41

*Throb...throb...throb... A sharp, piercing throb, every so often, and the dull persisting ache thundered in his head with a painful fury like Texas hadn't known...for a long time. Coupled with how fatigued he felt and the congestion in his chest, Texas knew he had something coming on- He could feel it. How though? He was always careful, or he thought he was. But now, Dallas Independent School District was bankrupting, funding was getting slashed for so many things- All of it at once was taking its toll. Was it really the recession...?*

*No, he didn't want to think about that. With a grunt, he turned over in bed again, and shoved his head under his pillow. It was the flu, or a cold- Something else. Recessions weren't supposed to hit him hard, he was supposed to be the one that could weather things like that. He had lost weight recently too, but he had put that down to not eating as much, not running low on resources.*

*At least in Hammerspace he could take a day or two to recover, without having to worry about anyone from Austin- or Dallas- bugging him about what to do. Quiet, rest... Surely after a day in bed he would feel better. Yeah. Just the flu.*

*He gave a few loud, hard coughs, but didn't feel anything productive happening in his chest. ...Just the flu, he told himself. Just the flu...*

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