I wish I remembered why....

Oct 16, 2011 20:57

I got this damn credit card I have in the first place. If I had this thing paid off I would be in really good shape. I don't want it anymore but people/media are always freaking me out saying "what if" and you don't have the funds for it? So I held out in undergrad for a long time then my junior year I finally opened one. Probably because I could get a free frisbee when I do. S-U-C-K-E-R!!!

So although my balance is way below the credit limit, it's still a thorn in my side; An extra bill each month; Money I could be stashing away for whatever. I'm still doing well though taking a little out each paycheck and putting it to the side. My goal is to open a high yield savings account at my bank. I did just recently got some good news though. For whatever reason and without any prompting from me, my APR was lowered by %1 percent. Not much but I'll take it going down versus going up any day!

Clo got it right the first time. Sometimes I wish I had his knowledge. Then I'd be more financially secure. Though he doesn't have a job, he has more money set up for his future than I do!! OH THE IRONY! It's locked it up and he can't touch it without heavy penalties. A good incentive to lay off. Some people know how to live on the bare minimum and be happy. That's my goal. A cousin of mine also inquired about a ROTH IRA and the teller tried her like she was stupid too!

"Friday I went to ESL to open a savings account. Being responsible. the woman asked me three times if I needed cash back. when I inquired about a Roth she asked me if I had enough income for it. O_O. Then reiterated that there would be a hold on my funds. I Was wearing jeans, a v-neck, cardigan, and topsiders. Idk what about me screams poor and financially illiterate, but I can guess. #blackinAmerica."

Perhaps because she is African American and many people (and maybe they're right to do so) assume we don't know or don't want to save money.

Once upon a time, people lived without depending on credit. They saved money the good ole fashioned way. I wonder if they were on to something? Then I possibly wouldn't be living paycheck to paycheck though it's not as bad as it was before.

I want this card GONE!!

self-improvement, how the world use to be, in an idealistic world

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