White as pure as snow

May 26, 2010 08:23

Knighting outfit is done. It's white. I didn't think I would look good in white. I was wrong. Looks really good on me. Persian style and I think I finally got it right. Woot! I ended up finding wedding fabric on sale for about 40% off so I got it. Got extra so I can hopefully make Rabbit a tunic to match and if there isn't enough I'll use it for trim or something. I'm really hoping to get a good picture of it and post it; I'm really proud of myself for my efforts.

Still trying to figure out what to do for Baronial A&S competition. I thought I had it figured out, but now I'm questioning myself. I know I have about a month to complete things, but still..... *sigh*

Guitar sounds pretty good. Need to start figuring out how to do bar chords. Anyone up for a visit from a wandering minstrel at war? I'd be happy to share songs, and you don't even have to pay me if you don't want to. That's the other thing that I'm doing, cutting back on the drinking indulgences, especially at war. I don't think I enjoy myself nearly as much so I'm going to experiment this trip and see how it goes if I drink very little to nothing at all. Samples here and there but that's about it.

We get the new room soon. Looking forward to that. A lot. Rabbit wants to get me an easel, so we need to go shopping for those. Just a simple workspace (his exact words were "Like the one Perin has") but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. Yay for space! 

knighthood, singing, rabbit, art

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