Nov 30, 2004 20:56
That's right kids, today is my birthday. That means I'm one number closer to being old, old being relative to your perspective and to the individual in question but whatever number you identify with oldness I'm a year close to it today. Being that I was a bicentennial baby, born in 1976 on the 200th anniversary of this highly mediocore nation, I have now completed 28 glorious years on planet earth.
Loathing for all things holiday. Holiday shopping, holiday music, holiday greetings, holiday shoppers, holiday traffic, eggnog lattes, new years resolutions, holiday movies, 'santa' being at the mall, and that's about all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure there's much much more that I am forgetting that makes the holiday season just horrible.
A deep and abiding love for winter fashion. Summer fashion sucks, especially for guys, it's practically nonexistent for us, and even the summer skin-fest of the womans side gets a little dull, not to mention frustrating for a 28 year old single guy. But winter fashion, that's something I can stand behind, loads of rich interesting fabrics, nice colors, lots of layers, women wearing sexy high-heeled boots instead of flip-flops, the downside to it is that it's freakin' freezing out all the time, but I take the good with the bad.
I'm almost certain that I'm made of anti-matter and that I do everything the opposite of everyone else and thusly I never get into relationships in the spring, the traditional time for 'love.' I only seem to ever have a girlfriend in the winter, in fact I'm quite certain that I have never, in my 28 years, had a girlfriend during the summer months, only in the winter. Although I don't actually have anyone at the moment, we're coming into the season that I seem to do the best in so that's a good sign.
Actually I feel that year round but it's winter at the moment and I'm drinking some red wine at the moment so I thought I'd throw it in there for good measure.
There's almost nothing I like more than to debate about movies and the Oscar season provides the best platform for debate. This year I haven't seen anything that really stood out to me as an Oscar contender except for Ray and Jamie Foxx's uncanny portrayal of Ray Charles, I'm predictin' right now is a Best Actor Oscar for ol' Jamie.
An intense and hateful rage against the Salvation Army bell ringers.
A lustful inner need for descending snowy slopes at high speeds with my feet strapped to a Solomon snowboard and my body wrapped in a Special Blend of fuzzy warm fabrics to keep the winter chill out and the body heat in.
Well, it looks like I have several of the Seven Deadlies under my belt and I'll work on a few more this winter, maybe I'll see what I can do in the Sloth Department, or maybe I'll try my had at Avarice, no, I think Sloth is better suited to my needs. I think I also need to go somewhere new this winter somewhere that I have never been, I don't know where that will be yet, but I'll have to find somewhere new and go there. I can't take another winter of the same old stuff in the same old place, I think I'll go even more nuts than I already am should that take place. Well, i'm outta here kids, Return Of The King is on and I only saw it in the theaters so I'm gonna watch it now. Later.