Mar 14, 2005 10:36
I know its been months since you all last heard from me. Sorry about that. This quarter was a little more hectic and a little busier than last quarter was for multiple reasons, really.
But heres whats going on!
This is the last week of the quarter. Finals begin this week and I have one on Tuesday and another on Thursday. Its craziness I tell you!They both start at 8am. Yes, in the morning. *shudder* and while I do have to get up early(ish) for classes anyway, thats a little early to start a final, you know?
This quarter I took Intro to Creative Writing, Intro to Cultural Anthropology and Linguistics. Creative Writing was by far my favorite, but then it is my chosen career path so lets hope, right? The teach wasnt terribly effective because its hard to TEACH creative writing, but the workshop/section (small group of people from a large lecture that gets together outside of class to work on things from class, led by a teaching assistant) was really good and very helpful, and my TA (Sean Connelly. Great name.) was very cool. He called us "Comrades" rather than classmates or students. He was also fairly dreamy : ) Anthro was a little more difficult and work heavy than I expected, but it was pretty enjoyed. The teachers voice makes me sleepy, which isnt
really GOOD NEWS per se, but there were good guest lecturers and some nice TAs so it worked out nicely. We read A LOT, from Margaret Mead
"Coming of Age in Samoa" to "The Book of Jerry Falwell". Lots of reading. Linguistics I had with my room mate and one of our friends Monica who just happens to live down stairs from us. Shes a sweetheart. This class was really really interesting, but also heavy on the homework. I'm thinking about taking more Ling classes, perhaps because it was so interesting. And it was fun to have class with Wendy and Monica.
Next quarter, my classes are Intro to Shakespeare (not that I need it terribly, but it does help towards the major and just maybe I'll learn something new, you know?), Computer Literacy (which is a required course for Cowell students, for some odd reason because the students probably know more about computers than the teachers teaching the classes!) and Rain Forests Future about how they Rain forests are diminishing and what the pollution etc and environmental activity will do to the rain forests. something to that effect. Im also going to try and get into intermediate poetry or fiction, but those are audition type classes where you bring a sample of your work to the first class and are reviewed to see if you'll be allowed in. Im quite looking forward to next quarter.
In the mean time, Ive made new friends and Im going to bore you (perhaps) with details and information about them! Yay! One of them is Sean. Hes a real sweetheart. He doesnt talk very much, but when he does hes ha-larious. And together, we are vampires! *bite bite bite* His roommate, Kevin, is really neat too. He plays all sorts of instruments. Another person is Derek, who is a second year at the stevenson apartments. hes funny too, and lets me use his kitchen to bake with the promise I leave him some of whatever it is i bake as payment. His house mates are all really neat as well. Mary, Meridith,
Megan and Andrew. Very cool people. All second years. Mary and Meri were in my anthro class. Derek and Sean are my food buddies. I'll call them and they'll be like "Hello?" and I'll say "food?" and they say "yes" usually or "no, i just ate, sorry." and then depending on the answer I call the other one of them or we go eat. sometimes I get lucky and get both my boys to eat with at once! craziness!!
Ive also been spending more time with Amanda (shes pretty great, after all.) and her friend (and mine) Samantha (she has blue hair!) Sam is really cool cause she likes musicals as much as I do. We have quote and song wars over who knows a musical the other doesnt. Brent and Amanda just roll their eyes and play their instruments.
Brent, by the by, is my boyfriend. *drop the bomb!* I met him last quarter, once, and then at the begining of this quarter, a bunch of people (Amanda, Sean, Lynsie, Meagan, myself, and Brent) had this crazy fun midnight madness tromp around with an acoustic guitar and an acoustic bass than ended up with me lynsie learned two chords and made up songs about all of us while I sat in a giant sink and amanda sat on a washer. The Laundry Room will never be the same. Ever. It was wonderful. Brent and I hit it off and its been going well from there. Im all aglow with happiness :p Hes a crazy musician who smokes and reads the Golden Compass and James and the Giant Peach.
School has settled in really nicely. I have a rhytmn, and I dont get lost anymore. Except once, and its cause it was really really dark out. I have a great circle of friends I adore and who I assume like me as well cause they hang out with me. I'm learning to play poker well, and how to drive a car (Derek told me about the stick shift. it was crazy. why not just drive automatic, asked I. cause it gets boring, quoth he.)
I guess I can believe that. You dont have to do much when you drive it seems, hand-wise at least.
What else what else? Lets see...
I got a new email address, if you didnt notice. let me know if you want a gmail invite. its wonderful : )
I think thats really all Ive got for now.
I miss you and love you all. Hopefully I'll see you over break. Hopefully.