Meant to share this last week, but time just got away from me. I noticed this really cool flower blooming in the yard. I was too lazy to run inside and grab my dslr, so I just snapped a few shots with my iphone.
I wish I could have gotten a few more angles to fully capture the beauty of it, but the phone's camera just didn't want to focus. Oddly, it only focused when I took the photo with instagram. Unfortunately, this photo came at price...I woke up the next morning with terribly itchy bug bites all over my ankles and thighs, and behind my knees. It drove me crazy for days and the anti-itch cream I have was practically useless. I got some relief from benedryl in the evenings, but I think that was only because the stuff knocks me out. You cant feel yourself itching if your unconscious, right? ;-)