Jan 27, 2006 08:42
I was leaving my house at 6 am (I was going to do overtime) and I walk out to my car...no car. Big empty spot in the driveway where my car used to be. I'm sitting there thinking there's got to be some other explanation, but knowing all the while, that there isn't.
I even had a car alarm on the car. With engine starter kill, so that you can't drive it when the alarm is sounding. I KNOW I locked the car, for SURE. And they broke into my car twice before they stole it today...first they stole the car stereo...then they stole the spare tire out of the trunk...after all that, I got an alarm...why did they wait for me to have an alarm, and THEN steal it?
Did a police report. They told me they recover "most" stolen cars. I wonder how many is "most"...
Tried to call in to work. But they're short staffed and desperate for me to come in...want me to get a ride here from my boyfriend...and I'm weak spined and don't know how to say no, even though the last thing I want to do right now is go to work...
The strange thing is, all morning as I was getting ready for work, I was thinking about people breaking into my car. The way the house where I live is set up, there are NO windows along the front of the house, and there's a really tall, wood gate that you have to open to walk through a patio area before you get to the front door. It's perfect for people who want to break into your car. Because, no windows, so nobody inside can see them as they break in, and there's lots of time for them to get away...they'll hear the front door open, and have time to run before the gate opens and a person actually comes out and sees them.
I was thinking about this as I walked to my car this morning. I was kind of even making extra noise opening the door, and jiggling the gate lock, like maybe someone would be out there and I wanted them to hear me and run away before I got there.
Then I come out, and my car is gone.
I wonder why I knew...
I heard a car alarm in the night. It sounded like it was coming from far away though, I listened half asleep, decided it wasn't mine, then went back to sleep...it must have been at, like, 2 in the morning?
I guess this is what I get for driving a 95 Honda Civic. They are the most frequently stolen cars, ever.
I loved my car...it was so perfect for me in so many ways...
I don't know what I am going to do.