
Jan 03, 2013 08:54

Yesterday was interesting in my body.  I had fewer and less painful headaches.  Tendinitis is getting better, but not gone.  Can you get arthritis in one finger?  My right pinky has been hurting more and more.  Stomach is in flux.  Hot multi-grain cereal with blueberries was fine.  Chili and taquitos were not ok.  Ended the night with bread and butter...also not ok.  Maybe it was the orange juice I had with the bread and butter?  Meh.

I have decided to go to the day program.  I'm going to tell my therapist this afternoon.  Then it becomes a matter of paperwork and timing.  Mike wants me to go visit him in NJ for a week.  He said he'll pay for everything so I told him ok.  I don't expect this will actually happen.  It's 5 degrees outside.  It's officially time to bust out the +5 Coat of Warmth.

I've been spinning a lot the last couple days.  I'd like to cast on Kir's bolero, but I think it's a better idea to wait a few more days.  Maybe Monday.  I found a recipe that might be very close to the one I had at that restaurant a while back.  I'm thinking about making it tonight.  It will depend on how much I feel like grocery shopping before therapy.
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