Day 4 of new med brings headaches. My stomach is still not sure about this stuff, but my head has lodged a formal complaint. *breathe* Give it time. It is likely this will pass. The wheel of side effects just has to get its due. I've been pretty tired and wanting to nap in the afternoon. Not sure if that is from my recent lack of exercise, the illness, or the meds. I must be patient. I'm 80% resolved to go back to the day program at Arbor HRI. It was helpful before and it can't hurt. The worst it could do is not help. My wrist is getting better. With the brace angel_heart lent me I was able to spin today, so that was happy. It's helping take my mind off my headache.
My first resolution is to eat more fiber. My meds make bowel regularity nostalgic. It sucks. It's uncomfortable building up in there, takes a lot of effort to evict, and sometimes that fails completely. In the last month I've done saline laxative 3 times. I don't know what else to do.