Apr 10, 2008 19:24
Not being able to chew really bites! On Tuesday, I was diagnosed with TMJ (after having my jaw hurt for more than a week - I finally went to see a doctor). I was prescribed some muscle relaxers, told to take those, not really chew anything, and put hot/cold compresses on the affected part of my jaw until things got better. Well, 2 days later, still no sign of improvement. I'm gonna be good and take tomorrow off work to be kind to myself and to as I was told (I failed today). Hopefully, that will do me some good, and I'll have a nice, low-key weekend.
Yesterday, instead of being good, I called in sick, took a muscle relaxer in the morning, and then attempted to replace my back door with a friend in the afternoon. Several hours later, we still weren't finished and he had to go pick up his 2 year old daughter from daycare. Turns out that removing the old trim was a b*tch that took far longer than it really should have. He left with the door not really in place, level, or secure. He did call in back-ups that arrived 2 hours later, after I tried and failed to get somewhere on my own. Back-up arrives, and he's just as clueless as I am, but in this particular job, 2 hands are better than one. We finally manage to get the door secure enough AND so that it shuts, and we call it a night. I'm perfectly satisfied with this, shove some plastic baggies in the open door handle holes, and go to bed. I go in to work this morning with it in the same condition. Initial friend comes over during the day to check and see what we did, notices the door frame is level but it's not shutting as easily as it did last night, and puts the deadbolt in place. I'm currently in the process of trying to figure out how to properly attach the bottom door handle without being able to just pull it right off in an attempt to open the door. Wish me luck! I'm thinking I might just need to go purchase a new single door lock as this one is pretty corrupted with spray foam thanks to the previous door.
Oh, and my e-mail appears to be down as well, so I can't thank the friend quite yet either.
On a plus, and non-cranky note, several of the bulbs that I planted earlier in the year are sprouting. I now have a few caladium leaves under my cedar tree, and several calla lily leaves are appearing. This makes me happy.