[|tattoo artists|]
|Vic Back| |Kat Von D|
|Shawn Dillon| |Matt Lukesh| |Billy| |Bert Krak||tattoo artists wanted| |Vic Back|
Vic Back is the tattoo artist that The Used had out with them during the Taste of Chaos Tour 2005. Vic did a variety of tattoos for The Used including Jepha Howard's neck and cock sleeve. In a podcast with Jepha and Vic, they talk about some of the art he did for the band. {
podcast with Vic Back} Additionally, Vic was featured in
Hardcore Ink tattooing Frank. Vic did Frank's fingers and his "Keep the Faith" tattoos.
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Here is Vic working on Frank's HALLOWEEN knuckle tattoos in a preview of My Chemical Romance's Life on the Murder Scene {0:49s}.
Vic tattooing Frank's back with the phrase "Keep the Faith."
Vic tattooing Frank's knuckles.
Hardcore Ink (#98224, No. 12) July 2005Source:
Life on the Murder Scene |
|Kat Von D|
Kat Von D is most famous for her work on reality television series Miami Ink and, now, her own show - LA Ink. She specializes in black and gray style portraits. It is not surprising, then, that Frank went to her to get his Frankenstein portrait and his tattoo to honor his Grandfather which he did in a video taped episode aired on September 15, 2007.
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LA Ink with Frank Iero - Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
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Part 4
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Part 5
Kat Von D tattooing Frank's shoulder.
Frank and Kat in the photo booth in Kat's shop.
Yuppie Punk (Q&A: Kat Von D of 'Miami Ink') 22 December 2006Source:
Chord Magazine August 2007Source:
Nyght Scene September 2007,
Nyght Scene September 2007, 3Source:
Rolling Stone: Watch My Chemical Romance’s Frank Iero Get Inked |
|Shawn Dillon|
Shawn Dillon is an old friend of My Chemical Romance. Shawn, Ray and Matt Pelissier were in a band, The Rodneys, before My Chemical Romance. Additionally, internet rumor says he went to SVA with Gerard and helped connect Matt, Ray, and Gerard. He was
thanked in the liner notes for Three Cheers by Mikey, Ray, and Frank. Frank listed his tattoo shop,
Underground Images Tattoo Shop (Secaucus, NJ) as well. I do not know if Shawn has tattooed Frank (although it seems likely) or which tattoos Shawn has done for Frank. It is most likely that Shawn tattooed Frank before the release of Three Cheers;
here is a list of possible tattoos.
|Matt Lukesh|
Frank thanks Matt and Billy from Screaming Ink Tattoo Shop (Fairlawn, NJ) in
the liner notes to Three Cheers. I do not know if Matt has tattooed Frank or which tattoos might have been done by Matt. It seems most likely that Matt did a
pre-Three Cheers tattoo (before or during 2004).
|Bert Krak|
Bert specializes in classic American tattooing and is based out of Queens, New York. Based on style, Frank's engagement eagle and "I am a Graveyard" chest piece most resemble Bert's style; however, I do not know which tattoo Bert did (if he did a tattoo for Frank at all).
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