Going back back...to Scotland Scotland.
Time is going seriously fast and I have a to do list as long as my arm. However my christmas shopping has been completed and I did finish the JLPT N1 test last weekend. So thats got me happy. However I look at my schedule and I see I have not one single free night until I leave and even so, the night before I leave I have my last belly dance rehearsal. ahhhhhh!
So far, my plans for Christmas consist of :
December 21st - get home at 9pm and sleep hopefully.
December 23rd - Shopping with gran
December 30th - Edinburgh with mum, going to see Hairspray
January 3rd - 5th Paris France with mum.
January 10th - Go back to Japan 3.10pm
Thats it. I'm a bit worried about all of this snow business just now. I hope it goes away so its easier to travel up and down to Dundee etc.... Hence why I haven't made many plans. Plus I have no idea where many people are or what they are doing. Anyones free to come to glasgow to see me though :D?? But that probably won't happen lol.
I must say though, this year I have killed it in the Christmas present department. However I shouldn't have, as all the money I have spent on Christmas totals about..........4000 pounds... eek. :( I wish I could save.... Please buy me a drink when I'm home...it might stop me from going bank rupt when I come back to Japan. I'm living on pennies and credit cards this winter... eeek....
Anyway, I better get ready for work now. Looking forward to going home. Not looking forward to probably losing my voice again this year, or the jet lag from hell where I end up getting up at 5am every morning and to bed at 7pm... jet lag fail.
If anyone has any suggestions for the remainder of my time, please let me know. I'm at a loss. Better start looking at trains again! Why is Glasgow to Dundee so expensive? Its aweful!
Oh yeah, have a Merry Christmas card from me. Its being exhibited in Nagoya just now, but I'm selling these postcards off to visitors. Already sold alot. :D Happy days.