Things have been crazy in Jenny land. I haven't had the time to travel, update, do fun things or actually sleep for a long period of time.
Let me tell you why...
Yes, its that time of year again. I've been busy working on my artwork for the Foreign Artists Exhibition in 2 weeks. Oh but not only that, but I have to do a presentation on my artwork in Japanese at a PechaKucha Event in Nagoya. The website is : But the details aren't out yet. Theres a potential for alot of people to see my work there, so I am super nervous about it. Its a wonderful opetunity so I think I just need to go full on artist mode and get my work noticed. In Japan its not a case of looking for a job, applying and going through the interview process... its more of, go to a mixer, meet someone, get chatting, find out they have a friend with a job opening, and get to apply that way. So in a way, finding a job in Japan is 10000% times harder than back home. Add this to the fact I'm foreign, I don't fit into the social ladder of Graduate - job - sign life away and my Japanese is good, but not the same as another Japanese person. So yes, I'm at the severe disadvantage.
Fighting this feeling of being at a disadvantage is an uphill struggle. But I'll get over it. I don't really have an option. Until I get where I want to be, then I don't really have anything else to do but to give it my all.
Ah, I forgot. Belly dance is going insanely well. I've been dancing alot with the advanced classes and actually on Saturday I'm dancing in 2 songs in a show. One with Viel and one with, get this, feather boas. Its really fun. Hard work but fun. I've been dancing at least 3 times a week for practice and been having a ball. On Sunday I danced from 10am to 4pm... I was shattered. Monday was belly dance again, Tuesday a break and then tonight its back to belly dance. When I get back to the UK maybe I'll do some dancing for my mum and friends. Its super fun.
Other than that. I love my car. Its super cute. RIn is doing well too, but unfortunatly he had a lil car accident inolving a deer so he was a bit shaken up. I don't get to see him so much, but its ok as we're both super busy.
Lastly...I'm taking the JLPT N1 test this year. The top level of the proficiency test. Recently I've been wondering, HOW DID I GET TO THIS LEVEL??? But I'm not going to think too hard, I'm just gonna study my socks off and if I pass I'll be the happiest girl alive for a few weeks. Japanese is really hard, in case you were wondering.. Its not easy... But I seem to be able to click with it. I don't get it. I guess I was a ninja before...
Anyway, thats my morning time up! I need to run to work now. Have a nice week!