Christmas Eve at the Monkey Park in Kyoto :D

Jan 09, 2009 11:19

To carry on with the huge backlog of updates I have. Heres to the end of our Kyoto trip :)

The next day we decided to go to Arashi Yama in Kyoto to see the Monkey park. We spent a crazy amount of time on the bus to get there, but it was worth it. We didnt go in our animal outfits...that would have been baaad news...

This is Arashi Yama. It had a beautiful lake and then...a nice mountain for us to climb to get to the monkeys...

Me, Scott, Rin, and Jason outside the park.

Weird poses...always fun...

Monkey boy!!

This basically says......dont look the monkeys in the eyes!!!!!! Just keep going and walk along :)

So trying to climb a mountain to see the monkeys was kind of hard...because you arent allowed to look at them in the eyes...and well...the monkeys came running down the mountain having a massive arguement probably over bananas!!!!!!

So there were alot of monkeys.....probably...200-300 or so.

We finally got to the top of the mountain thingy and the view was beautiful.

Ok so it wasnt much of a mountain.

There were more monkeys!

Very close monkeys!

We went into a monkey house to feed the monkeys!

And they were hungry...

Feeding the monkeys!

image Click to view

Kylie Feeding the Monkey

Me feeding a monkey.

Rin Feeding a monkey.

Me being scared of the monkey!

Still scared...

Scott and a monkey!

Jason and Kylie with one of the fat monkeys.

Crazy monkey for the peanut.

Looking for more peanuts!

This was a baby monkey and well....the other monkeys would push him over to get the he never got any :(

Gachapin and a monkey :) I couldnt resist. Rin won this for me from a claw machine. I got this and a red Mukku :) Its awesome.

This is outside the monkey feeding hut thing :)

Rin and the view. I somehow really like this photo.

Of course we knew what was next....

Rin and Scott.... King of the world!

Very very Nice view!

and me and kylie! was time for group shots with a monkey! The worker man pulled over a monkey for us to get a good shot.

Kylie, Jason, Scott, Me and Rin with a monkey :)

We got really close to the monkey!

Of which we got told off for...but oh well!

Jason and the monkey.

I thought this was cute.

On the way back down we decided to pop into the Monkeys play park...of course Rin took the most obvious way into it...

and then gave up on that idea.

Ps...thats my bag...

We then thought it would be fun to try and measure ourselves weight wise on the see-saw :D

After Arashi Yama we went back to Kyoto, had sushi and went a lil shopping before headed back to Gifu to start of Christmas day :)

Overall this trip to Kyoto was my funnest yet :D

christmas, random

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