Sep 05, 2008 13:51
Cleared the 29 week appointment today, and the only thing that I think is outside expected norms is slightly higher fundal height measurements wrt to charts. I'm not freaking out (really! :) ), but I was curious to see how this measurement has gone with anyone willing to share. It sounds like a pretty vague sort of tracking to me, so things would have to really stand out to be problem indicators. [*Note: The midwife didn't mention it at all, but I asked if it wasn't a little high. She said that less than 5cm off wasn't really a cause for concern, but that they'd keep monitoring it to make sure it didn't get out of hand. If it continues to digress, they would recommend an ultrasound.]
I sort of expect that it's going to ride a little higher on the spectrum due to being overweight going into pregnancy, and as long as it doesn't continue to increase at a higher rate, it's no big deal and it doesn't matter. I don't much care about anyone's specific numbers, but just to see if anyone remembers their experience with this and would like to share.
Other than that, I asked for a little more information about my recent tests. I rocked the sugar one with a score in the 90's that just has to be below 130 or something, so that's pretty solid. My iron level was 10.5 and they prefer 11, so I think that the small modifications to my diet to include more beef, orange juice with my vitamins, and Total Whole Grain are more than enough to bump it up a little bit. I've only gained 8 pounds so far, which they're cool with, too. I'm really proud of that, although I certainly haven't been exercising much. Some of that lack of change is probably due to muscle loss due to completely dropping my workout routine from last year, but I still think it's pretty good on the whole.