Since it's Saturday

Jul 28, 2007 01:10

Goodness. Today is my brother's 19th birthday! What?! He can't be that old yet. Friday was my Grandpa's 73rd birthday, that I kind of missed. Oops! But the good news is that we are all supposed to go to my grandparents' house Sunday to celebrate the July birthdays, so I guess they'll let me slide.

Played around with the journal display today. There were a couple I liked so I may be changing it every so often. This way they all get the proper display time they deserve. ;) God, I've had this journal for how long? And I'm just now beginning to explore it. Eh, better late than never.

My mom is has put in for a transfer to day shift, and she got it. So hopefully she'll get to move soon. This way she works 7:30-5:30pm Mon-Thurs. Instead of 6:00-4:30pm Fri-Sun. Her supervisors don't want her to leave weekend shift. She's fast, so they always send her to help the people who have fallen behind. There, it's considered 'making production' if you keep at least a -7. Normally Mama ends the day with about a +30. That's how fast she is.

Okay, that is enough babbling for the time being.

family, grandpa, brother, lj, mom, birthdays

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