Title: The Box
crjaceCharacter(s): Emmeline Vance, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape with a Neville Longbottom cameo.
Rating: PG
Word-count: 6,300 words
Warnings (highlight to view): None
Summary: Murder at Hogwarts? Enforcer Vance investigates. But what happens when her faculty liaison is also her prime suspect?
The Box )
Comments 12
Oh, and I'm a sucker for a good mystery, so a big thank you for that. :)
I especially enjoyed your subtle foreshadowing with this line:
Best be careful in the future, Vance. I might not be there to save you one day.
Very chilling, in light of future canon events!
I liked the start, with Augusta being so bitter about the loss of Frank and about having to raise Neville. I found it cruel that she silenced Neville - *hugs him* The stuffed frog is such a nice foreshadowing of Trevor!
Emmeline putting up with Augusta's remarks showed her as someone with persistence, and a really good friend to Alice, too.
Dumbledore assigning Snape as Emmeline's liaison made me grin. He knew exactly what he was doing.
Loved your Snape. He certainly knew how to attract annoyance and wouldn't budge a bit, carrying his personal suffering all by himself. So canon!
Liked your portraits of the house elves, too. There were so many interesting details about their culture and personalities.
The whole story, too, had so many layers about women's life and career choices, about the post-war morale and about the wizarding society and equal rights for different magical beings. I lied that a lot.
The murder mystery was exciting to follow and I liked that you wrote a rather open ending, too.
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