Title: The Box
crjaceCharacter(s): Emmeline Vance, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape with a Neville Longbottom cameo.
Rating: PG
Word-count: 6,300 words
Warnings (highlight to view): None
Summary: Murder at Hogwarts? Enforcer Vance investigates. But what happens when her faculty liaison is also her prime suspect?
The Box
"I can't believe how much he's grown," Emmeline Vance said, noticing the sadness in her own voice.
Augusta Longbottom looked at the squirming bundle in her lap. "He certainly has gotten bigger," she said, matter of factly.
"You don't sound happy about that," Vance noticed.
Augusta put young Neville down on the ground. The boy immediately made a beeline for a nearby stuffed frog.
"Three years old and he's shown no signs of magic," Augusta sighed. "Not a bit."
"It'll come in time," Vance reassured her friend.
She watched Neville stand up on two chubby legs. He started walking, dragging the stuffed frog behind him. Something caused him to trip and he landed right on his bottom.
Neville looked up, saw that he was being watched and let out a wail.
Augusta sighed and with a flick of her wand, silenced the little boy. "He's not really hurt," Augusta said grudgingly. "I just can't handle hearing him cry for Frank."
"So there's been no change?" Vance asked quietly.
"It's almost been a year and a half since that bloody attack," Augusta said. "A year and a half, and the Healer's haven't been able to do a thing. They told me that I need to start acting like I'll be the one to raise Neville. A fine thing, indeed. I thought I was done with my child rearing."
"Neville seems like a sweet child," Vance said.
"Aye, but you haven't raised any, too busy with your career," Augusta said.
"I enjoy my work, especially since You-Know-Who disappeared," Vance said, not wanting to rise to Augusta's bait. She knew that the older witch just wanted to let out some steam. The woman had been through enough in her lifetime; Vance didn't mind listening to her complain.
Though her comment stung slightly, as she had just been thinking about some of the choices she had made. Whether or not it was time to settle down, with a husband and children. But whenever these doubts arrived, she simply stuffed them in a box and put them to the side. Vance was young. There was plenty of time for the domestic life later.
"Aurors light, I always call your department," Augusta said crossly. "Never had much use for the Magical Law Enforcement Squad."
Vance sighed. She visited Augusta regularly, having been one of Alice's best friends and wanting to keep track of Neville. And almost every visit included the same chiding remarks about her chosen profession.
"Someone needs to investigate all of the petty crimes. Could you imagine if we asked Aurors to deal with shoplifting? Or disagreements between neighbors?"
"True," Augusta said. She waved her wand, and the silencing charm over Neville was lifted. Though it was no longer necessary, judging by the way he was lying on the floor, asleep, hugging his stuffed frog.
"He looks like Alice," Vance said softly.
"I know," Augusta said. "I'm glad for that. It would hurt too much if he looked just like Frank."
The sharp knock on the window interrupted them. Augusta opened it with a flick of her wand and the owl flew in.
To her surprise, the owl landed on Vance's shoulder. "What do you want?" she muttered as she took off the note attached to his leg.
The owl flew off after that. Vance quickly opened the note, knowing it to be urgent due to the Ministry seal. She scanned it, trying not to notice Augusta's too interested stare.
"I have to go," Vance said. "Duty calls."
"Is everything alright?" Augusta asked, trying to sound casual. Vance could tell it was taking all of Augusta's effort not to ask for every little detail.
"Right as rain," Vance said, lying through her teeth.
She stood up, and went over to the sleeping Neville. Gently - as if he had been her own child - she stroked his head. "Sweet dreams, Neville, dear," she said quietly.
Standing up, Vance looked at Augusta. "Thank you so much for the tea, Augusta. I'll be back to visit you and Neville soon."
"Be safe, whatever it is you're about to do," Augusta said.
"Always try," Vance said with a laugh. "Don't always succeed."
With another nod, Vance went outside and quickly Apparated to Hogsmeade.
There had been a murder at Hogwarts.
Vance rushed into the faculty lounge with as much dignity as she could manage. Waiting there was the Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall and Snape.
"Was it a student or a staff member?" Vance asked to start the investigation.
Professor Dumbledore stood up quietly. "Ah, Emmeline. I'm very glad they chose you for this."
"You seem a bit calm considering someone's just been murdered at your school," Vance said, hearing the bitterness in her voice. "Was it a student or a staff member?"
"House-elf," Snape said, sounding bored. "It was a House-elf."
Vance sat down in the closest chair. "A House-elf," she repeated.
"Yes," McGonagall said.
"I think this is a job for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures," Vance said briskly, standing up again. Dealing with House-elf murders was certainly not in her job description.
"Emmeline," Dumbledore said seriously, "A resident of Hogwarts has been murdered. House-elf or not, I would prefer you on this case."
"Can you be sure it's murder?" Vance asked. "Perhaps it was natural causes."
"I doubt that," Snape said.
"Well, could someone please take me to it, so I can start the investigation?" Vance said, ignoring Snape's remark.
"To the body?" McGonagall asked. "Or to where the body was found?"
Vance gave all three a sharp look. "Why isn't the body where it was found? Someone moved it?"
"I did," Snape said, examining his fingernails on one hand. "It was in the middle of one of the dungeon hallways. Quite close to the Slytherins' Dungeon. It would have been quite distressing if any of the students came across it."
Deciding that she already had her first suspect, Vance stared at Snape. She never liked him. Never. Not when they went to Hogwarts together, and not now. Especially not now, when he was walking around free, when as a former Death Eater, he should be in Azkaban.
"Emmeline, I would like to make Severus here your faculty liaison," Dumbledore told her. "With the student's O.W.L.S. and N.E.W.T.S. approaching, Minerva and I are both incredibly busy, or I would do this myself."
"Of course," Vance said. She tried to give Dumbledore a significant look, one that would convey to him in no certain terms that it was not acceptable to have her first suspect as her liaison. However, Dumbledore seemed oblivious to her concerns.
"Severus, show Emmeline where you found the body," Dumbledore ordered.
Snape nodded and looked to her. "Follow me."
Vance had no choice but to follow, even though she was not at all happy about it.
The dungeons illuminated immediately. Vance looked around, trying to find some clue of what might have happened here.
"Did you touch anything?" she asked Snape, more sharply than she intended.
"No," Snape replied. "I didn't even touch the body. I used a levitation charm to move it."
"Good," Vance muttered.
She walked over to one corner and knelt down. There was a pair of crumpled dragon hide gloves.
"Were these here when you found the body?" she asked.
"If they were, I hadn't noticed them," Snape said.
Reaching into her cloak, Vance removed an evidence sack and quickly levitated the gloves into them. Perhaps the murderer had been wearing them.
There were no other signs of evidence. One last thing Vance needed to check, and then it was off to see the body.
She took out a small round glass ball. Her Dark Arts detector. If Dark Arts were involved in this murder in any shape or form, an Auror would have to be assigned to the case with her.
"I assure you, there are no signs of any Dark Magic," Snape said with a sigh.
"And how do you know that?" she asked, still looking into the ball as she moved it around the room.
"Because I know Dark Magic," he said, leaning against the wall. "And there was no Dark Magic."
She looked at him levelly. He didn't flinch. Not that she expected that he would. Snape had fought for You-Know-Who. Vance probably didn't intimidate him in the least.
"I'm sure you won't be too insulted if I don't want to take the word of a Death Eater," she said casually. Now he did look away and Vance reveled in her victory, no matter how small. "I'll check for myself, thanks."
"Suit yourself."
Vance hadn't expected the House-elf to look so… so young. Most of the House-elves that she had been around were older. Or at least looked older. Most House-elves valued their wrinkles and tired eyes, showing their dedication to their job.
But this House-elf didn't have that. The best word to describe her was 'fresh,' like she had her whole life ahead of her. Which she did, until someone decided to take her life.
Any hope Vance was holding on to that the elf had died a natural death, was gone when she saw the red welts on the elf's neck.
This elf had been strangled to death.
Vance looked over at Snape, who seemed to be looking everywhere in the room except at the dead House-elf.
"My biggest question at the moment is whether this was a crime of passion or pre-meditated?" Vance said.
"I would think your biggest question would be 'who did it?'" Snape replied.
"Besides the obvious," Vance snapped, trying and failing to keep the annoyance out of her voice.
Vance leaned over the body and examined the welts. "There will have to be an autopsy to see if there are any clues."
"You saw the gloves as well as I did," Snape said. "I sincerely doubt that you'll find prints on the body."
"Never hurts to check," Vance said, taking a deep breath. There wasn't much to learn here, unfortunately. Best to leave the body to the professionals and then get their report.
"I'd like to go to the kitchens, Snape," Vance said. "Perhaps I can learn something more there."
The kitchen at Hogwarts was just like she remembered from when she was a student. Everywhere House-elves were cooking and cleaning or handing out supplies to clean.
She did notice that they didn't seem so energetic, they were almost sluggish.
Snape walked up to an ancient looking House-elf who was sitting near the stove, supervising.
"Vance, this is Holky, the Head House-elf here at Hogwarts," Snape said. "Holky, this is Emmeline Vance, who's going to investigate the murder."
"I's help anyways I can," Holky said slowly. "Though we is sad tonight."
Vance knelt down to talk to her more easily. "May I ask the name of the deceased?"
"Hers name Joddy," Holky said. "Good little worker. Everyones likes to be cleaning with her."
"So she got along with the other House-elves," Vance asked.
"Joddy clean real fast," Holky said, shaking her head. "Fast cleanin' means more cleanin' for everyone."
"Did Joddy have any family here?"
"Her mate," Holky said.
"Joddy was married?" Vance asked, surprised. On some level, she knew that House-elves had children, otherwise there would be no new House-elves. But she never thought of marriage.
"We is not allowed to marry," Holky said. "But she and Bunky cleaned the stove together, just like her momma and her momma before her."
"May I speak to him?" Vance asked.
Holky nodded. Vance wondered how old she was. The lifespan of a House-elf was relatively short, forty or fifty years, because they could and most of the time would, work themselves to death.
"Of course," Holky said. "They both had been working the dungeons tonight with Decker."
"Really?" Vance said. Perhaps this was a case of domestic abuse. If so, the House-elves policed themselves. She would have to step back.
Vance stood up. "Where can I find Bunky?" she asked.
"He be in the bunks. He be mourning," Holky said.
"Thank you," Vance said.
She started to walk off but Holky stopped her.
"Miss, you is best to be knowing that we House-elves don't hurt each other. We be cleaning up after the mess, not causing it," Holky said sadly.
Vance turned and nodded at the wizened House-elf. But silently she thought that there was always a first time.
Bunky had been nowhere to be found that night, which was more than a little suspicious in Vance's book. While he couldn't officially be considered a suspect, not without some proof, Vance would have felt better going to sleep that night if she had spoken with him. Thankfully, Holky promised to make sure he spoke to her tomorrow.
Decker hadn't been much more help. He said that Bunky and Joddy went off on their own to clean the main Potions classroom and that he had heard a high pitched laugh. But that could have been any number of things. A ghost, a house-elf, a student.
The next morning, Vance met with McGonagall in the faculty lounge to discuss the situation. At this point, Vance wasn't worried about the safety of the students, though she did plan on urging McGonagall to stress caution to them.
"So do you have any leads?" McGonagall asked, taking a sip of her tea.
Vance wondered if she should tell McGonagall her true thoughts about Snape, but decided that it wouldn't be in her best interest. So she would suggest him without actually suggesting him.
"I'm troubled that Snape choose to move the body after he found it," Vance said deliberately.
"You couldn't possibly believe that Professor Snape killed that House-elf," McGonagall said with a sigh.
"I didn't say that," Vance argued. She certainly had inferred it, but she didn't say the words.
"Snape… Well, we all know about Snape's past," McGonagall said in a low voice. "But I also know that Dumbledore trusts Snape."
"But don't you ever wonder why?" Vance asked.
"Of course I do. But I've learned to trust Albus' judgment," McGonagall told her. "Therefore, I can't believe that Snape would ever kill a House-elf."
"Well, the only other lead I have is another House-elf. I'll be interviewing him today," Vance said.
"I wouldn't be surprised if it was another House-elf," McGonagall said.
"Why do you say that?" Vance asked.
"I do occasionally see House-elves fighting among themselves, arguing over how gets to clean what," Minerva said. "They really are passionate creatures."
Vance mulled that over for a moment. She knew that Holky said that a House-elf wouldn't harm another, but could an argument over cleaning lead to something more?
"Thank you for your input, Minerva," Vance said, standing up. "I best be getting back to work."
McGonagall nodded as Vance left the faculty lounge. As she was walking towards the kitchens, a student waved his hand and ran up to her.
"Emmeline!" cried the student.
Vance looked at the tall gangly student in front of her. "Daryl!" she cried happily.
They quickly embraced and Vance put her hands on the boy's shoulders. "Let me get a look at you," she said.
Daryl McKinnon was the younger brother of Vance's late best friend Marlene McKinnon. He was the only survivor of the McKinnon family, as the rest were brutally murdered by Death Eaters. The only reason Daryl hadn't been killed like the rest of them was that he had been at Hogwarts at the time.
"Do I look like an accomplished seventh year about to graduate?" Daryl asked, puffing out his chest a bit.
"You look like the same Daryl that used to torment Marlene and me when I visited during holiday," Vance said with a smile. "It's good to see you."
"And you, Emmeline," Daryl said. He lowered his voice. "Are you here for the House-elf murder?"
"You heard about that?" Vance asked, not answering his question. He knew the answer; he knew her position at the Ministry.
"A House-elf killed by someone's bare hands?" Daryl asked. "The entire school has already heard about that."
Vance wondered how many students were now scared and remembering the time when You-Know-Who reigned.
Hopefully she would have this solved quickly so no one would have to worry any longer.
"Hello?" Vance asked, holding her wand out slightly. Normally she wasn't so paranoid when she entered her own residence, but when there was a light on when she hadn't left one on, she could never be too careful.
"You're home," a voice from the kitchen called.
Vance let out a sigh of relief. It was only Sturgis.
"What are you doing here?" Vance asked, delighted to see her lover.
Sturgis gestured to the apron he was wearing. "I figured you could use a good meal about now," he said, smiling.
Her heart melted. Sturgis Podmore wasn't what anyone would call a catch, broke and down on his luck like he always was. But she cared for him anyway. It was hard not to, considering all they had gone through together in the Order of the Phoenix.
"Thank you, love," Vance said gratefully. "I only had time for a snack up at Hogwarts."
"Could you get the table ready?" he asked with a grin.
Fifteen minutes later they were sitting at the table, eating a hearty looking stew.
"This is delicious," Vance said, relaxing for the first time since she had received the owl in Augusta's home.
"How are things at the school?" Sturgis asked.
"As well as can be expected. The students seemed scared, the faculty seemed scared. Everyone seems to wonder if this is the beginning of something more menacing," Vance told him.
"And what do you think?" Sturgis asked.
"I think everyone wishes we could wipe away the last thirteen years," Vance said. "Use a memory charm and forgot that You-Know-Who ever existed."
"But about the case?" Sturgis prodded.
"Honestly? I think a House-elf killed another House-elf," Vance said. "But I have no evidence and the House-elf in question couldn't be found at all today."
"That's telling," Sturgis said.
"Very," Vance replied, leaning back in her chair and closing her eyes.
A comfortable silence fell between them as they finished their meal. Just as Vance thought about running her foot up Sturgis' leg, he cleared his throat and gave her a meaningful look.
"Yes?" Vance asked teasingly.
"I haven't brought it up like you asked, Emmeline…"
Her heart caught in her throat. More than a month ago, Sturgis had asked to marry her. Vance refused to give him an answer, citing that she was too busy at work. "Sturgis, I can't talk about this tonight. Please."
"You can never talk about it," he grumbled as he stood up and starting clearing the table.
Vance put her hand in her chin and watched him work in the kitchen. In a way, they would be an ideal match. He could stay home with any children they had and she would be able to support them on her salary.
But that was a topic for another day. Knowing that he wouldn't bring up the subject again, Vance neatly put the conversation away in her box, where she wouldn't think of it until she was ready. Whenever that may be.
A sudden knock on the window caused Vance to jump up, wand out. An owl. Sturgis rushed to the window to let it in.
"I'm not home," Vance said with a sigh, knowing the owl was for her.
"For you, love," Sturgis said, handing her an official Ministry parchment.
"Of course it is," Vance said unrolling the parchment. She quickly scanned the letter. "Oh bloody hell."
Sturgis didn't ask 'what' like so many people would have. He understood that sometimes she couldn't tell him 'what.' So he had learned that she would offer details if and when she could and never pressed for more. It was just one of the many things she loved about him.
"There's been another murder."
Vance could hear their voices loud and clear as she walked towards the faculty lounge.
"We have to do something, Snape," McGonagall said. "At least we can tighten security. Make sure that none of the students walk around Hogwarts alone."
"I understand your concern, but the murderer seems to be only interested in House-elves," Snape said.
"And what if the students become an interest?" she demanded.
Vance entered the lounge then, and both professors immediately were silent.
"Professor McGonagall is right," Vance said, not bothering to pretend she hadn't heard them. "As of now, no student should be allowed to roam the halls unattended. I'm going to speak to Holky as well, make sure that all the House-elves start working in pairs."
"Of course," McGonagall said, said with a brisk nod.
"Where's the body?" asked Vance.
"Right where I found it," Snape said.
Vance gave him a level stare. "You found it?"
"Yes, it was in the dungeons. But I didn't move it this time. I certainly don't want to be considered a trouble maker," Snape said.
"Minerva, at this point, if the murderer is not found tonight, I would ask that the Hogwarts ghosts start patrolling the dungeons at night," Vance said. She looked at Snape. "Are there any paintings down there?"
Snape shook his head.
"Perhaps a few could be temporarily moved down there," Vance suggested. "They'd be a reliable witness as anyone."
"I'll make sure that happens," McGonagall said. She nodded and left the room.
Vance looked at Snape, who simply gazed back at her. "Take me to the body."
"Was that there when you found him?" asked Vance, pointing to a broken phial on the floor.
"Yes," Snape said.
Vance looked at the body, a male House-elf this time. He looked young as well. Perhaps that was part of the profile.
She watched Snape kneel next to the phial and levitate a large piece of the broken glass. He quietly sniffed it.
"Poison," he said at last.
"Are you sure?" Vance asked.
"Yes," Snape said. "I'd stake my reputation as a Potions Master."
"It'll need to be tested, anyway," Vance told him.
"Of course," Snape said.
Vance looked over the body. There were no signs of a struggle. No red welts around the neck. This one hadn't been strangled, that was certain.
For some reason, Vance kept thinking of what Decker told her, about the laugh. Knowing it was a million to one odds, she said, "So Snape, did you hear the one about the Giant, Goblin and Troglodyte?"
Snape looked at her like she had lost her mind, which Vance was almost ready to wonder herself.
"You're cracking jokes at a time like this?" he asked. "Doesn't seem very appropriate."
"Just trying to lighten the mood, make you laugh," Vance said casually.
"Bloody hell, I'm your main suspect, aren't I?" Snape said, crossing his arms over his chest.
"What makes you think that?" Vance asked, mirroring his position.
"That House-elf mentioned a laugh and you try to make me laugh? I found both bodies, in the Potions Dungeons, my domain…" he trailed off.
"You're making a very compelling argument for yourself," Vance said.
"Why would I possibly jeopardize my position here at Hogwarts over two House-elves?" Snape demanded. "I'm being set up. Surely you must see that."
Vance returned his stare with one of her own. "All I see are two dead House-elves."
"That be Bunky, Miss," Holky said in a quiet voice.
"That's Bunky?" Vance asked, hardly believing it. She had secretly hoped that Bunky had been the murderer, simply because she hadn't wanted to believe that a witch or wizard had done this.
Now it was looking more and more likely.
"Yes'm," Holky said.
Vance looked down at the wrinkled old House-elf next to her. Without thinking, Vance knelt down so that they were the same height.
"I'm going to find who did this, Holky," Vance promised her. "In the meantime-"
"We be starting to protect ourselves," Holky said, looking Vance right in the eye. "We won't be allowing no more killing."
"Understood," Vance said, standing up. She knew that House-elves had a considerable amount of magic. And if she had taken Holky's words correctly, the House-elves were going to start defending themselves.
Vance almost hoped she could find the murderer before the House-elves did.
The next morning, Vance arrived early to give an update on the situation to the Headmaster. Darryl McKinnon stopped her on the way up.
"So have you made an arrest yet?" Darryl asked quietly.
"I can't talk about an ongoing investigation, Darryl, you know that," Vance scolded him gently. She understood why he asked. If the news of the second murder had gotten out, the students must be terrified.
"It's pretty obvious who it is," Darryl said, instance in his voice.
"I don't want to hear your theories," Vance told him. "I need to get going."
Vance started walking, but his voice stopped her again.
"Everyone thinks so," Darryl said in a low voice. "The stress must be getting to him, being a former Death Eater and such."
"We're not close to arresting anyone," Vance said, not turning around. She kept walking.
She heard him ask quietly behind her, "Who else could it be?"
Darryl's words stayed with her throughout the rest of the day. After her report to Dumbledore and discussing the security of the school, Vance went to her office in the Ministry of Magic. The lab promised to have some results for her finally.
It was after dinner before the results finally arrived.
"What took so bloody long?" Vance grossed as she took the results from the technician.
"We were analyzing the results for crimes that had real victims," the technician told her. "Not just a House-elf."
"It's still a life, House-elf or not," Vance said,
"Maybe, but next time, my boss says you have to go through the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They need to provide an exception in order for our lab to do work," the technician said. "Just to let you know."
"Thanks for the heads up," Vance said angrily.
Without another glance at the young technician, Vance poured through the lab results. Both died as she thought. The only surprise was that Joddy, the first House-elf, had been strangled with bare skin, not the gloves that were found next to her.
"The gloves were a plant," Vance murmured to herself. Someone had deliberately left the gloves there to be found. But that made no sense, unless…
Unless someone was trying to set Snape up. But who?
Vance reached for a piece of parchment, with the intent to start a new list of possible suspects when an owl with a message flew onto her desk. The parchment had Snape's seal on it.
She read the message quickly. "This isn't possible," Vance said. Another murder. Another House-elf dead.
Grabbing her shawl, Vance started towards the exit. "I'm never leaving Hogwarts again."
Vance rushed into the teacher's lounge, where McGonagall was sitting, drinking a cup of tea.
"Where's the body?"" Vance asked. "I just got the message fifteen minutes ago. Perhaps there are some fresh clues."
McGonagall looked up, startled. "What body? Emmeline, what in the world are you talking about?"
"Where's Snape?" she asked. "I got a message from him."
"Snape is dealing with a disruption in his House," McGonagall said. "Has there been another murder?"
Vance stopped. Things were beginning to look suspicious, and she hated when that happened.
"What is going on?" McGonagall asked.
"I'm not sure," Vance replied honestly. "I'm going to find Snape."
McGonagall looked at her strangely, which Vance supposed was no surprise when she had just burst in demanding to see a body when there might not be one.
"Send a Patronus if you need any help," McGonagall said seriously.
"I will," Vance promised.
She nodded and left the teacher's lounge, unsure of what to think. Perhaps Snape was trying to tell her something? The only thing Vance was sure of was that she needed to find him to see just exactly what he meant by his message.
Vance held her wand dangling at her side, though her grip was tight. Her senses all seemed to be on high alert. Around her she could smell hours-old potions wafting through the hallway while the hairs on her arms went on end from the chill.
The main Potions classroom door was open. That alone was unusual. The doors to classrooms were always kept closed when not in use. Perhaps Snape was inside?
"Lumos," she whispered. There were times she wished she could silently cast spells. But that was something she never was able to do, hence her job as an Enforcer, as opposed to an Auror.
She entered the classroom, wand out in front of her. The darkened classroom seemed full of shadows.
"Snape?" she called out. If he wasn't here, she would check the Slytherin Dungeon, then his office.
Nothing. Vance turned around to leave when the door slammed in her face. Her fingers tightened around her wand as Vance tried to open the door.
Locked. Of course.
"Alohomora," she said.
The door was still locked and her heart rate quickened. She hadn't been in a truly dangerous situation since the war. More than a year and a half had passed since Voldemort's downfall. Perhaps she had gotten soft. How else would she find herself in this situation?
But then she reminded herself that she had been a member of the Order of the Phoenix, for Merlin's sake. She had stood up to Voldemort and had lived to tell the tale.
She could take down a House-elf killer without calling for backup. Vance was sure she could.
Vance turned quickly around. "Who's there?" she demanded.
Before she could do anything to stop it, she felt her wand slip through her fingers and watched it fly across the room. Someone had silently cast a disarming spell, leaving her completely defenseless against magic.
And then she heard a laugh. It most certainly wasn't Snape. He was right. Whoever the culprit was did want her to think it was the Potions Master. And it had worked until that very moment, when she had heard the laugh for herself.
Vance turned around, squinting in the darkness, trying to see exactly who it was in the room with her.
"I didn't want this to happen."
Her heart broke as she heard the voice.
"I didn't want this," Daryl McKinnon repeated as he stepped out of the shadows.
And suddenly it made sense. He had told her that Joddy had been killed with someone's bare hands, back when she had thought someone had used dragon hide gloves.
Daryl had tried to frame Snape. He had practically asked her to arrest him, after all.
"Want what?" Vance replied, trying to keep her voice casual, when she was anything but.
"Why couldn't you have just arrested him?" Daryl demanded. "Then everything would go back to the way it was!"
"Why should I arrest him, Daryl?" Vance asked firmly.
"Because he's a Death Eater and he's free!" Daryl practically shouted. He started pacing back and forth. "He gets to wander around the world like nothing happened and my family is dead in the ground. You have to arrest him!"
Vance wondered what she could possibly say to try to make this right. Because part of her agreed with him. Snape was a Death Eater and should be locked up, just like the other Death Eaters who were free. She didn't care if Dumbledore trusted him. How could that make up for the simple fact that he had been a Death Eater? But killing House-elves certainly wasn't the way to make the world right.
"What should I arrest him for?" Vance asked softly, taking a few soft steps towards him. Daryl was so worked up that he didn't even notice her approach.
"For being a Death Eater, of course," Daryl replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"But he didn't kill those House-elves, Daryl; you did," Vance said.
"He's done worse, I'm sure of it," Daryl said angrily. He stopped pacing then and pointed his wand at her midsection. "Don't come any closer."
Vance decided not to coddle him. "I'm not going to arrest Snape, Daryl."
"You have to," he said, his eyes blazing.
"No," Vance said simply.
"Fine," he snapped. "Then whoever comes to investigate your murder will arrest him. I'll make sure of that."
"You won't hurt me, Daryl," Vance said, taking a small step towards him. She had to make him see reason. "I know you won't."
"I have to, Emmeline," he said, almost near tears. "You won't arrest him. You've given me no choice."
"Snape has done nothing wrong," Vance said, taking another step. A few more steps and she would be able to touch him. Perhaps simply take his wand from his hand. Then she would be able to get him to St. Mungo's and get him the mental help he so desperately needed. Because Daryl needed help.
"No!" he cried. "No closer!"
A red flash of light crossed the room, hitting Daryl right in his chest. He crumbled to the ground immediately.
Vance took a deep breath. She would never know now if Daryl would have surrendered to her voluntarily. Turning, Vance looked at her rescuer.
Snape. Of course.
He stood in the doorway, his wand still out, looking at her with an air of superiority. Vance simply stared back for a moment before going to Daryl's side, to make sure he wasn't hurt.
"I believe there are words usually associated with situations such as these…" Snape said, trailing off.
Vance didn't even bother to look up. "I had the situation under control," she told him.
"Of course you did," he said, sounding like she had anything but control. "Lucky I was here, anyway."
She looked up then, and saw his black eyes narrow slightly as she refused to respond to his statement and give him the thanks he was obviously looking for.
Snape turned and called over his shoulder, "Best be careful in the future, Vance. I might not be there to save you one day."
The pile of paperwork seemed endless in front of her. Vance sat in the teacher's lounge, and continued her work. Thankfully, McGonagall agreed immediately when Vance asked if she could complete her reports at Hogwarts, in case any additional information was needed.
Vance looked up as she heard the door open. Snape and McGonagall walked in. McGonagall looking weary and Snape simply looking like he was annoyed to be there.
"How's Daryl?" Vance asked at once.
McGonagall sat down at the table across from her. "Settled in St. Mungo's. He's across from Neville's parents for the time being."
Vance leaned back in her chair and let out a sigh. "Thank you for handling that," she said.
Waving her hand, McGonagall said, "It was the least I could do. Daryl is in my house, I should have seen the signs."
"I'll be out of your way soon," Vance said. "Sooner than I'd like, to tell you the truth. To me, a death is a death, but not to the Ministry when it's a House-elf's death. Not nearly as much paperwork."
"I would think you would be glad that someone isn't filling out paperwork for your death," Snape said, obviously still looking for thanks.
"Daryl wouldn't have killed me," Vance said at once.
"You'd be surprised what people can do when they feel their back is against a wall," Snape said.
Vance looked at him then, really looked at him. The way he said those words made her feel like he had been in that very position before, his back up against the wall with nowhere to go. She fleetingly wondered what he had done.
McGonagall and Snape left then, leaving Vance alone with her paperwork. Though she was quickly interrupted by a high, squeaky voice.
"I's just to be wanting to thank you," Holky said.
Vance frowned as she looked over the table at the small House-elf standing in the doorway. "For what?" she asked honestly. "Two of your friends were killed."
"Sometimes wizards be thinking we House-elves like toys," Holky said. "But you stopped the killing."
"I just wished it was after the first murder, not the second one," Vance said.
"Bunky wouldn't have wanted to clean without Joddy," Holky said. "They be together cleaning forever now."
Holky then slipped out of the room as quickly as she came. As Vance continued to fill out her reports, she decided that once she was done, she would visit Augusta and Neville. Then she would head over to St. Mungo's to give a report to Alice and Frank on their son, as well as say hello to Daryl, to let him know that he did have support, no matter how long it took him to get well.
An owl flew in the window and Vance froze, until she realized that it was Sturgis' owl. She quickly read the note, telling her that dinner would be ready when she came home tonight and that he loved her.
Putting down her quill, Vance pulled her fringed shawl around her shoulders. Normally, this would be just the type of situation where she would put her kind thoughts of Sturgis and their life together in her box, to be looked at another day.
Dealing with these murders seemed to remind her just how fragile life truly was. It was a lesson she thought she had already learned through the war. But it was possible that a reinforcement had been needed.
She wouldn't live forever, that much was certain. Perhaps it was time to give a little more consideration to the future.
Maybe it was time to finally open the box.