Tell Me... [Transfromers, Shockwave/Soundwave, R]

Jun 07, 2008 15:51

Title: Tell Me….
Author: V, the Happy Lurker
Rating: R
Warnings: Dub-con, implied cheating, & a little surprise at the end…
Word count:  475
Prompt: Shockwave/Soundwave (G1) - voice sex: “Does he stimulate you, attract, & captivate you?”
A/N: Forgive the lateness again. My internet went wanky last night... By the way, I f**king love Melissa Etheridge. ^_^


Jealousy wasn’t foreign to him. Soundwave always felt a cold hatred for his rivals before, a contempt born from realizing his own superiority, but this was different. The conversation with Hook that ended in abrupt silence… the evasive answers to simple questions… the reluctance… the way he was being avoided… Yes. It was becoming clear now…

“Tell me,” came the flat snarl as he slammed Shockwave against the wall. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

“Soundwave, you’re being irrational. This is exactly why I-”

“Went to him? Because he’s rational?” He laughed bitterly. “Is that what it takes to please you? Appeals to your precise logic?”

“You need to be reasonable!” There was the coldness. That damn, logical coldness.... “If you would just let me explain…”

“No. I’m done with reason,” he rumbled, pressing against the other mech. “Tell me… Tell me does he make you beg for it? Does he hold you down like I do?”

A tremor ran through Shockwave as he tried to break out of Soundwave’s grip. “Be silent! It wasn’t-*static*-…stop talking…”

“Tell me…” he growled pleased at the effect he was having on his straying lover. He pushed into Shockwave harder, shifting the pitch of his voice lower so now it was shaking both their bodies. “Tell me, does he stimulate you? Attract you? Captivate you? Tell me, does he want you? Infatuate you? Haunt you?”

“…please, be quiet…” It was a whimper now, barely audible over the hisses of static and the rasp of his intakes cycling violently to cool him down.

“Tell me…” The words were drawled out, pitched deeper to vibrate over the hidden nerve bundles, those guarded little intimacies that Soundwave had once thought of as his own private domain. “Tell me, can he bring you to overload with only his voice? Does he bring you off with just a simple arrangement of sound, like the way I do?”

The garbled noise that came from Shockwave when he hit a climatic shut-down might have been a reply, but whether it was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ didn’t matter to Soundwave. He had made his point, pulling away from the shaking mech and letting him collapse onto the floor. But he wasn’t finished with the military commander just yet…Flipping him onto to his back, Soundwave straddled the still offlined Shockwave and angrily popping away the covering over his lover’s codpiece, reaching in to find…

Nothing. Only a void space, with a few dangling wires bundle and tied off where his interface manifold once had been.

Soundwave stared at the gaping hole for a few kilks, then slowly got off of Shockwave’s prone body and walked out of the lab. The beating he would later give Hook was sufficient to repair his damaged pride, but not nearly enough to satisfy the communications officer’s other, more private need.

transformers, v the happy lurker

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