Gundam Wing (Heero/Duo/Wufei)

Apr 08, 2007 08:40

“You know,” Duo observed, body consciously relaxed as Heero tightened the black ropes that crisscrossed his slim body, keeping him crouched, knees spread, in the middle of the floor. “This is not exactly how I envisioned spending my Saturday evening.”

A flash of white materalized out the darkness. “We know,” a smooth voice murmured and Duo hissed ( Read more... )

gundam wing, cleflink

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Comments 7

sarisia April 8 2007, 14:47:36 UTC
0.0 Now, here's a question that begs for vivid imagery: what does he do with Trowa and Quatre that could keep him even more occupied, as Heero and Wufei feel so compelled to compete?


cleflink April 8 2007, 22:52:00 UTC
*grin* Now THAT would take a much longer fic to answer ;) (And perhaps its not so much that Q and T keep him more occupied as he's usually got 4 boys to occupy him rather than just 2) ^__^


sarisia April 10 2007, 05:07:22 UTC
Oh, my! How lucky for Duo! (Although faintly confusing if past 1x2x3x4x5's I've read are any standard, just because there's so many body parts to keep track of. >.<)


raisedbymoogles April 8 2007, 15:45:03 UTC
Eeeheehee. *delicious velvety fuzzies up my spine* ^_____^


cleflink April 8 2007, 22:53:42 UTC
Hooray for velvet fuzzies! (Although the velvet may have to wait until after Quatre and Trowa get home - Wufei and Heero seem quite contented by blindfolds and handcuffs) ;) Glad you enjoyed!


windandwater April 10 2007, 20:46:49 UTC
OMG! This was just PERFECT. Thank you so much! I loved how Duo seemed so calm and accepting of everything and there was mild banter with the smut and I love it so. Plus... implied OT5? MAKES ME A HAPPY FANGIRL.



cleflink April 10 2007, 23:07:32 UTC
Yay! Glad you liked!
Originally looked at keeping strictly to the prompt pairing, but then Duo complained A LOT and things got more complicated. And, really, you can't go wrong with Gundam OT5.


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