JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Jotaro/Kakyoin)

Jul 03, 2007 09:20

Title: No Regrets
Author: Jan toxictattoo
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Word Count: 1396
Summary: Kakyoin gets what he wants.

A/N: Prompt: #36. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Jotaro/Kakyoin: Kissing scars - "He might not say the words, but the message is clear with each soft kiss: It's good to have you back.".


“You’re awake,” Jotaro said from the hospital doorway.

Kakyoin turned his head to the sound of Jotaro’s voice. Unfortunately, he couldn’t see him, thanks to his run in with N’Dool’s Stand in the desert but he managed a genuine smile. “They woke me to give me pain medication and to take me off the heart monitor.”

“You’re getting the best possible care. Enjoy it while you can. The old man is worried so Speed Wagon is picking up the tab.” The hospital bed dipped beneath Jotaro’s weight when he sat on the edge.

“It’s not necessary. It was my carelessness that got me into this,” Kayoin said. He settled back, propped against the pillows. “Listen, Jotaro…”


“I didn’t mean--”

“Don’t.” Jotaro was more insistent that time and Kakyoin sighed. The stubborn man wouldn’t even let him apologize for becoming a burden. His fingers traced over the bandages on his eyes. Jotaro grabbed Kakyoin’s wrist and pulled it away from his face. “What have the doctors said?”

“They are still uncertain if I’ll get my vision back. I could be blind or,” Kakyoin shrugged, not bothering to try to shake Jotaro’s iron grip, “end up with seriously impaired vision.”

All the I’m sorrys and the I’m worrieds and the I didn’t want it to be like this hung in the air between them until Kakyoin could feel it strain beneath the weight, ripping at the fabric of the close friendship they’d built over the past six weeks.

The hold Jotaro held on his wrist shifted, loosened and moved to a softer grip. He squeezed Kakyoin’s hand and continued to hold it.

At least they weren’t coming apart at the seams.

“I won’t be able to wear eyeliner now.”

Jotaro’s laugh barked out at his non sequitur and he squeezed again before letting Kakyoin’s hand go. The tension still floated on the surface between them, fighting for easement and reaching for the easy banter they’d fallen into. “Don’t think I’ll miss it.”

Lightning fast, Kakyoin reached out for Jotaro, catching his arm. Some skills didn’t disappear when vision was lost.

He pulled until he could feel the rough fabric of Jotaro’s coat against his bare arm. The heat from Jotaro’s body, his soft breath, scented with coffee - sweet and light - helped him gauge how close they were. “I have no regrets, save one.”

Kakyoin wasn’t sure if anything he felt for Jotaro was reciprocated. He was so hard to read.

It came as a complete surprise when Jotaro said nothing, interrupting his thoughts by capturing his mouth in a kiss, hot, fierce and possessive. With Jotaro’s tongue plunging into his mouth…well, at least Jotaro was willing to give him that, whether he did or not.

Kakyoin pushed at Jotaro’s jacket, sliding it off his broad shoulders to land heavily on the bed near his feet - a bold move that telegraphed what Kakyoin wanted. His hands continued to move, diving beneath the fabric of Jotaro’s thin shirt. Muscle and skin, still tacky from sweat and the Egyptian summer, heated his palms.

There was no mistaking intent.

Jotaro pulled away from the kiss. “I’ll lock the door.”

Before Kakyoin had time to miss Jotaro, he was back and he eased Kakyoin down the mattress. The blankets shoved to the side, Jotaro’s hands slid up his thighs, pushing his hospital gown with it to expose Kakyoin’s hips - Kakyoin’s very naked hips, with a rapidly responding cock to accompany it.

Jotaro’s thumbs stroked over skin and with constant pressure, spread Kakyoin’s legs. Kakyoin closed his eyes and relaxed against the mattress, his face flushing at being exposed so intimately.

Ever since they started on this trip, there had been no time alone to find out anything. And now, with Jotaro’s firm and confident hands moving over him, he supposed there was no reason to talk about it now.

Then Jotaro’s mouth was on his balls and any need to talk at all, disappeared.

His hand tangled in Jotaro’s cap, almost knocking it off, while he fumbled for purchase to hold on and he settled for resting on Jotaro’s shoulders, his hands squeezing and kneading over the muscle. Letting his knees fall open, Kakyoin’s breath hitched with every wet path laved over his sensitive cock.

Keyed up from inactivity, a slow unraveling wound lazily through his groin and he thrust up reflexively - anything to take him closer to the teasing touches. Smooth lips trailed over his abs and brushed along the bow of his ribs, pushing the hospital gown up until Kakyoin felt he would strangle from the cloth.

He pulled at it, feeling the snaps in the back give way and he flung it to the side, leaving his body bare. The heat was cruel, even though the air unit was blowing. Jotaro’s slow ascent up his body fanned his desire further still until he was shifting impatiently beneath Jotaro’s heavy weight.


“Tray,” Kakyoin whispered against the slick of Jotaro’s mouth before he lifted to kiss him again. His tongue thrust through parted lips and tangled with Jotaro’s, mimicking and teasing.

Jotaro shifted long enough to snag the small bottle of lotion Kakyoin used to keep his skin from drying out. The buckle on his belt jingled as he unfastened it and he wiggled to push his jeans down his thighs, as far as he could reach, before his mouth devoured Kakyoin’s in a reciprocal kiss that rivaled the desert heat with its passion.

Small care was taken with preparation, the bottle slick from the generous use of lotion and then abandoned carelessly in the folds of the blankets. The press in his body was sharp and his inhale equally so as Jotaro’s fingers pushed against resisting muscle.

The bed rails rattled with Jotaro’s weight as he lifted Kakyoin’s legs and bore into him, an insistent thrust that moved smoothly until their bodies connected. Kakyoin clawed at the bare back beneath his fingers, urging Jotaro to move with raking motions and small guttural grunts.

Mind-blowing bliss followed the discomfort. Kakyoin arched under Jotaro, hitching his legs higher. Following Kakyoin’s unspoken request, Jotaro hooked one of Kakyoin’s legs over his shoulder and thrust with deeper penetration that stroked him good.

Sparks flew behind his bandaged lids and Kakyoin held on, anchored so he wouldn’t fly off into the ether.

Thrusts matched breathing; breathing matched moans.

Kakyoin climbed the pinnacle with distressing speed, unable to harness it or keep it in check. He reached between them and jacked; his fist flew over his cock when Jotaro curved his body to give Kakyoin room without losing his momentum or his rhythm.

But Kakyoin could hear him, could feel him and two out of three wasn’t bad. Breath, hoarse and shallow, followed by small moans; sweat slicked over Jotaro’s back and his leg slipped down to catch at the bend in Jotaro’s arm. Kakyoin held on, riding out Jotaro’s pounding as he reached his limit.

One breath, a second, and Kakyoin’s body tightened, unable to hold it any longer. Throwing his head back and arching away from the bed, he expressed, white and thick, over his hand and stomach, his cry caught in his throat.

A low growl wrapped around Kakyoin’s name, followed by Jotaro stilling, his hips twitching and pulsing irregularly as he followed suit and emptied into Kakyoin. He would have loved to watch Jotaro and a pang of disappointment speared through his post-coital haze.

Jotaro’s moans rolled into a low, vibrating groan and he sagged down against Kakyoin, lifting his arm to release Kakyoin’s leg and leaving it to flop languidly on the bed.

Perfectly sated, Kakyoin lay still, listening to the blood rush through his ears and to the repeated pounding of his heart. Jotaro’s warmth slid from on top of him to stretch out next to him, their skin starting to get tacky as their bodies cooled.

One of Jotaro’s hands rested on his stomach and Kakyoin stroked along Jotaro’s arm to tangle their fingers together. Too soon the spell would be broken. Jotaro couldn’t stay. He had something important to do.

So Kakyoin would take what he could get and be satisfied.

He didn’t know what it meant, if it held meaning at all, and due to their current circumstances, wouldn’t try to assign anything to it. But Jotaro had given him what he wanted.

No regrets.



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