Fullmetal Alchemist (Havoc/Mustang)

Jul 03, 2007 09:18

Title: Paperwork
Author: Jan toxictattoo
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1435
Summary: Ed becomes an unwitting audience and gets more than he expected.

A/N: Prompt: #26. Fullmetal Alchemist, Havoc/Mustang with Ed watching: desk!sex, rimming, exhibition - Havoc knows Ed is watching and gives him a show, putting Roy on display.


He hadn’t wanted to end up in the closet - the cramped, enclosed space of a closet, sitting on top of something that poked him in the butt. Ed was afraid to try to figure out what it was. In fact, he was sure he didn’t want to know.

The fact that he was there in the first place was a rather uncomfortable admission. Okay, so he’d been snooping around in Mustang’s office when the Lieutenant Colonel wasn’t there.

The door was unlocked! It practically invited him to come in.

And, yeah, didn’t get out in time before Mustang came back in, with Havoc in tow.

They had tumbled in and the door slammed shut behind them, Havoc reaching around Mustang to give the lock a turn and pressing Mustang against the door. They were kissing and Ed had to swallow his gasp.

He never really suspected the Lieutenant Colonel was like that, what with all the women he was regularly seen with. And with Havoc it was certainly a surprise considering how hard he tried to get women to be seen with him.

Breaking apart with a smack, Havoc backed up, dragging Mustang along by the lapel of his jacket until they were out of Ed’s sight.

Ed’s view was blocked by the slightly ajar door and their conversation dropped away, making it hard to hear what they were talking about. He couldn’t really believe he was interested in seeing that or hearing but pushed ever so gently on the door, widening the crack so he could get a better look, anyway.

He could see the far edge of Mustang’s desk and shadowed movement just beyond it casting dark shapes on the desk top, but nothing more. Either they weren’t talking at all - and should that surprise him after seeing Havoc mash Mustang into the door? - or they were talking in low, hushed voices about something.

Maybe it was about the Philosopher’s Stone. That was reaching, after witnessing that kiss at the door, and Ed knew it. But he was desperate here, and perhaps a little curious.

A lot curious, actually.

The paperwork suddenly took flight and Mustang’s chest collided with the desktop, his trousers clearly down, and pressed down to the surface by Havoc’s weight.

Ed resisted pulling back and he chewed on his lower lip. That wasn’t quite what he was expecting even though, technically, he should have expected it.

He just figured the Lieutenant Colonel as a bed kinda guy.

Uniforms disabused and disheveled and paperwork that had previously been scattered across the desk top were now scattered like leaves on the floor, his paperclip holder turned on its side and a cascade of silver clips slipping off the edge every so often, corresponding with movement against the desk. Mustang grabbed the far edge to hold on and pressed his forehead against the wood surface.

Soft murmuring and a sudden laugh from them both before Mustang’s head lifted from the desk with a grunt. Havoc had dropped to his knees and buried his face in Mustang’s ass. Apparently that turned Mustang’s crank pretty hard because he shifted on the desk to rock back against Havoc and moaned a slurry of half-heard curses.

That shot straight through Ed’s body, spiking hard and fast to jolt in his dick. He shoved a hand between his own legs and bit down hard on his lip to keep from giving answer. Now was not the time to get a boner. His commanding officer and one of the junior officers were getting it on in the office, Ed was trapped in the closet, the sounds Mustang was making made him hard and he had no damn way to do anything about it until they left.


Sucked. Hard core.

Well…in for a penny, in for a pound, right?

Ed’s hand grabbed at his groin and he squeezed in hopes of staving off his growing erection, which served only to make him harder. He leaned in further to spy through the crack in the door again.

Havoc was now on his feet, smiling, and he slid one hand down Mustang’s hip to hook around the bone. He shifted their centers of balance and Mustang adjusted willingly, his hands sliding to get a better handhold.

After a bit of a fumble, Ed heard Havoc’s trousers drop with a jingle of the belt buckle. With the look on Havoc’s face, eyes closed and head tilted back, he was chewing on his bottom lip and breathing hard and deep through his nose, told the whole enticingly hot story. Mustang’s keening moan, while muffled against the desk blotter provided the musical accompaniment and was the most voracious, hungry and sexy sound Ed had ever heard.

It was too late for him now, turned on to levels he’d never been to before and Ed wrapped a hand over the hard line that bulged in his pants.

He took up strokes over his clothed erection in time with Havoc’s thrusts. Mustang slid across the desk with every collision of their bodies, sending more papers and paperclips surging to the floor. They grunted and groaned with every solid contact of skin. Havoc leaned over Mustang’s back and whispered in his ear. It sent a visible shiver through him and Havoc smiled, pressing his mouth to Mustang’s hair.

Havoc guided Mustang’s hand down. Ed watched as the Lieutenant Colonel’s shoulder and arm moved and guessed he was now jerking himself down below the desk. His back bowed and with a reposition, rested his head on one hand as he tugged.

Energetic, Havoc pounded into Mustang and Ed, equally as energetic, slid his hand over his own cock, fast small jerks to keep from making too much noise. He regretted he didn’t pull himself out but the friction from the fabric was enough and he was fast approaching releasing in his own pants. If the other two didn’t hurry, he’d finish without them.

And wasn’t that a funny thought? As if he had any control over that.

Apparently, Ed had it better timed than he thought because Havoc’s breath started to hitch, panting harshly with soft hisses that leaked through the room. “Roy,” he said, voice strained.

Mustang choked aloud, throwing his head back and shouting Havoc’s name, he jerked and whined, letting his head thump back against the desktop again.

The look on Mustang’s face was Ed’s undoing. Clasping his hand over his mouth to stifle the noise, he let out a soft exhale as his body tensed right at the edge, tight to the point of frozen and then his orgasm broke free with a muffled gasp and a shuddering sigh.

A winding growl echoed through the office and Havoc, pulling hard against Mustang, slammed in one final time with a hard grunt, his body jerking with impotent thrusts against Mustang.

Havoc bore them both to the desk, his head resting against Mustang’s shoulder as their chests heaved, in efforts to find their breath. Closing his eyes, he stroked gently down Mustang’s arm and side, fingering through the dark hair to pull it away from his face to kiss tenderly at his temple.

Ed fought the urge to throw himself backward, his body quickly finding that stasis point of languid and lax. He realized, with much chagrin, what he’d just done and figured, the least he could do was allow them a moment’s peace in the post coital haze and he shifted ever so slowly away from the door opening.

Making a face, he realized he’d probably have to burn this set of underwear. There would be no explaining it to Al.

Shuffled noises in the room indicated they were stirring and it wasn’t long before Ed saw Mustang striding toward the door, looking all the world like he’d not done what he’d just done. He opened the door and glanced back at Havoc. “I have to stop by Procurement. Meet you at the car.”

“Yes, sir.”

There was a longer pause before Havoc crossed the office heading toward the door.

Havoc stopped and tucked a cigarette between his lips. He almost lit it, then pulled it from his mouth. His tongue traced along his upper lip in a slow, deliberate motion and his expression melted into a grin. He ran his hand through his hair and looked around the empty room.

“Make sure to lock up when you leave, Ed,” and he left.

Ed thought his heart would stop beating. Stop, right then and there and he’d have a cardiac arrest sitting in the Lieutenant Colonel’s closet with come stains on his underwear.



fullmetal alchemist, toxictattoo

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