'i am drowning. there is no sign of land. you are coming down with me.. hand in unlovable hand.'
ahgods, thank you mountain goats, you man, you have encapsulated the most baddest of my escapades in tallhassle, and then went and did it again with my escapades on the furthest corner of the country from there. may the mighty booze keep you preserved long enough to hatch out at least two more of your amazing theme albums. may you and your guitaro never have any bitter fights or fallings out 'over how much banjo to put on the next album.' ahgods, and thank you,
questionable content, for sucking bits of my brain out in a most satisfactory manner. it has made this last week quite enjoyable for my decrepit mind.
i had a dream last night about bancroft. the school i went to for two years when i was izzi's age, up in massachusetts. it was.. odd. i think it has everything to do with this college thing i'm about to be doing. starting in exactly a week. well, less for the orientation. but class begins for me on this next tuesday. it should be a trip, i don't do the social thing very much at all, and, well, i don't know. it'll be good for me, i think. but i darenot have high expectations of much of anything these days. these are not days for high expectations. these days are not days for expectation of any sort, if you want to get right down to it. i've never felt so unstable in my life, looking out at the world around me. nobody knows shit, for how much we supposedly know. it's electric. it lives. the air lives.
well. what the fuck.