I [heart] Montana; people animals love doggie orientation

May 18, 2007 08:07

I loved Montana the one time I visited in ... gosh ... 1999. So I'm overdue to go back. In the meantime, here is some Montana love, from a lovable city, Missoula:

Zeus and I attended a recent PAL (People Animals Love) training/orientation. PAL sends dog/handler teams to visit people in nursing homes, mental institutions, etc. I got the idea to volunteer for this because I was thinking how, when I am too old or physically unable to care for dogs, I would be so happy if dogs came to visit me, especially large dogs! Here is a slideshow of 199 pictures from the orientation/training. I think it just keeps repeating if you don't stop it. Zeus is in about 5 of them, and he's the only Great Dane. I think many of these pics are quite good. This William Waybourn is a good photographer. I didn't even know that someone was going around snapping that many pics (there are 199 here). He catches a lot of personality, in the people and the dogs. Note the lady who brought a tiny dog and put atop a large, decorated box.

Every dog passed that day-- the organizers said this was unusual; usually some fail because they are aggressive, or for other reasons. Next, Zeus and I have to go to two visit sites. Tomorrow we'll go to a retirement facility. I'll have to see how Zeus does, and whether he likes it. He's actually kind of shy when he first meets people. (He's not shy when he first meets dogs, however.)

zeus, people animals love, poetry, volunteer, montana

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