Sat. Nov. 7: Grand Opening and Canine Carnival, Heurich Dog Park, Hyattsville MD

Nov 05, 2009 14:04

Come to the Heurich Dog Park dedication/grand opening Saturday!
We have a lot of great groups/businesses participating. Please walk among their tables, talk to them, learn from them, attend some of their demos, ask questions, and make them feel welcome and glad they are participating (so they'll come back)! Some of them are coming from some distance away. And after meeting them, you might find yourself tempted to do something differently with your dog.... Or you might be tempted to adopt another dog, or become a dog foster parent or volunteer, after talking with these folks!

The Dog Park is located at the intersection of Ager Road and Nicholson Street:

12 noon-- Event opens. We have over 20 groups/businesses participating: Rescues, stores, vets, trainers, photographer, dogsitter, groomer, reiki professional, organic treat makers, pet-friendly apartment bldg, Low-cost microchipping, & Snifferdog sport/search and rescue dog handler & more. Most will be available to talk w/ you between 12 and 4 at their tables. Also, if you want your dog to enter the art contest, now is the time to do it. :)

1 p.m. Ribbon cutting and speeches: Samuel J. Parker, Jr.- Chairman, Prince George's County Planning Board; Sen Paul Pinsky; Del Justin Ross; Pr Geo County Council member Will Campos; Hyattsville Mayor Bill Gardiner; and Sara Prigan (for Heurich Dog Park Users).

2 p.m. 15-min discussion/ Q&A on Microchipping w/ Jackie Threatte, Chocolate Chip Dalmatian Assistance League (CCDAL), Adelphi, MD

2 p.m. Holistic care options for animals (nutrition, energy work, chiropractic, acupuncture, reiki/energy work) followed by free mini-demonstrations and discussions of reiki w/ Lisa Dupree, RMT IARP Reiki Master / Teacher,

2:15 p.m. Dog/Person Lookalike Contest--Judging! !!

2:30 p.m. Puppies 101 and Helping Rescue Dogs become responsible members of your family w/ Steve Markham, Dog Trainer, Mount Rainier, MD gsmarkham at

2:30 p.m.: Breed-Specific Legislation presentation/ talk w/Anne Thomas, advocate for animals in Prince George's County

3 p.m.: Snifferdog sport/search and rescue dogs presentation w/ Laura Totis, Mid Atlantic DOGS, a human search & rescue organization/ LJT Pet Tracking/LJT Training

3:30 p.m. Dog-Created Art Contest--Judging! !!

NOTE:  Be sure to visit the table where the MNCPPC will lay out plans for future changes to the dog park. Make comments on the plans!

Other participants (in no particular order):
Dog park Yahoo group:
Dog park facebook group: Search for heurich dog park on facebook

[edited 11/06/09 7:20 p.m.]


hyattsville, heurich dog park, dog

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