The Last Resort--A great dog rescue needs help

Oct 30, 2009 22:32

The Last Resort is a great rescue that helps many hard-to-place dogs that other rescues may not be willing to help. The rescue itself needs help now. Please consider helping with a small donation. You can donate online. Read this message from Last Resort Pres. Nancy Warner:

We desperately need your help. We often find ourselves in a predicament or two for an occasional and unexpected vet bill or two and there is always something challenging and pressing but we always get through it somehow . This is a stress that we are all too familiar with . But this month has been the worst and hardest hit ever !!! We are no strangers to scrambling to meet the overwhelming demands of rescue on a day to day basis but today The Last Resort Rescue is truly on the brink of being wiped out completely. If we don't raise some funds ... and FAST ... Our rescue could truly be in trouble and we will have to stop rescuing completely until further notice ... This will be a death sentence for so many dogs !!! And we REALLY need your help !!!

Hope was pregnant when we rescued her , the shelter told us they would not allow us to take her unless she was spayed and the puppies aborted despite her being ready to give birth ... No matter how much as we protested , it seems it was either that or death for Hope so we reluctantly agreed ... Her pregnancy complicated the spay surgery of course and now she is having some bleeding issues ...her surgery and vetting was over $700 and she needs further vetting and possibly another surgery .

Barr , our sweet Weimaraner / pitty mix arrived with what appeared to be one eye missing , as it turns out his eye had suffered a severe trauma and was inside the socket but totally deflated to the size of a raisin and was very painful for a long long time ... despite his pain he was still the sweetest gentlest boy . Barr , now Ben has since had his eye removed last week by the ophthalmologist / surgeon and surgery cost us just over $700 ..on top of his other regular vetting costs .... He has since been adopted ( YAY ) but we we're left with this unexpected vet bill.

We recently rescued this tiny lil puppy that broke with Parvo shortly after getting him out of the shelter and into a quarantine / foster home down south . He is being treated and expected to survive but his vet bills will be at least $500 .

Jessie .. the older husky girl that we rescued from a terrible life with a hoarder / cruelty case is Tn ... She is such a good girl , she is in foster here in NJ . When she went to the vet here to get spayed it was discovered she had a mammary tumor and some cysts in her uterus , and needed a biopsy and blood work in addition to her complicated spay .. She also has some anxiety issues from being a product of a hoarder and hurt herself trying to break out of her cage and needed an emergency vet visit for her self inflicted injuries ... Her unexpected vet bills are already over $700.

We recently rescued a young ,blind cat from outdoor life in Ct. Hobo is such a sweet and wonderful boy however he is having some issues and we think might have a thyroid problem or even early diabetes which is even perhaps the cause of his sudden blindness , he needs some further vetting and blood work . He is in foster and being well cared for but he will be seeing the ophthalmologist next week and will require blood work and possibly surgery if his vision is correctable . Afraid to ask what that bill will be !!!

Mable , the Saint Bernard girl that we rescued was heartworm positive and we have had her treated for heartworm , vaccinated and spayed already. Her heartworms were paid for thanks to a generous sponsor ( Thanks Lori!!) However a complication with bleeding arose a couple days after treatment and she required an expensive visit to the emergency hospital this weekend !
she is doing better now and on the road to recovery and will be ready for adoption soon however the unexpected emergency vet bill was a hard hit !!!

We also currently have 3 more dogs that arrived with these deadly Heartworms ... and they need immediate heartworm treatment which we all know is VERY expensive , not to mention boarding for weeks after until they are free of their little cardiac freeloaders and can safely go into their new homes ....Raina , Peek , Fenway ... our heartworm dogs waiting for treatment !!

We are also currently nursing two 4 week old puppies , Teddy and Freddy , that came unexpectedly about 10 days ago , these we not our pups but they needed help and were due to be gassed .... we couldn't turn them away when asked . Unfortunately one came with serious neurological symptoms and almost died because an inexperienced transporter applied an adult flea product on these delicate young babies and required an urgent vet visit . Nancy is nursing them back to health and they are doing great but will require weeks of further care, vaccines , formula etc..... before being ready for adoption .

Also we want to mention Duke ... Duke was a big sweet Newfie , initially he was rescued by another rescue and put in foster . But shortly after he came home with his foster he started acting sick .. the original rescue decided that they didn't want to be responsible for him and they called us to help . Of course we stepped up and paid for a lengthy stay at the local vet but unfortunately despite all we did Duke did not make it . It turns out that his short stay at the shelter was a deadly one and he was infected with the deadly distemper virus ... something that could have been prevented by a $10 vaccine . We are all devastated for Duke and now of course left holding the bill for the other rescues failure to honor their commitment to him !!! R.I.P. Sweet gentle boy !!!

Due to all of these unexpected medical issues over the last couple weeks and a lack of foster homes, these HW positive dogs and other medically needy dogs will have to wait until these issues are resolved before being available for adoption and therefore need a place to go in the meantime ...our foster homes are full and few ....So recently we made an arrangement with a local Grooming / Boarding facility to rent out one entire floor of their facility , allowing us to board many of our rescue dogs there while waiting to be treated and adopted ... they are receiving truly exceptional care there and it has been a huge blessing for us and the dogs alike but our monthly bill of $3000 is due this weekend and we are in dire need of help. Also we have at least $2000 in boarding charges owed down south for dogs awaiting transport to NJ because we can't bring them up here until we have the room and moneies to baord them. We would have been able to meet these costs if not for all these other unexpected medical bills that have now completely drained our funds and honestly we are afraid if we don't replenish these funds immediately ...The Last Resort Rescue is truly in jeopardy of having to close !!!
You have all been so generous in recent months and we are so very grateful to all of you !!!
Honestly , we didn't want to ask for help yet again , but we don't have a choice .. we are in real trouble here !! In addition to our already rescued dogs that we are responsible for ( over 40 others ) , just these above mentioned dogs and their unexpected expenses have cost us or will cost us an excess of over $9000 so even if everyone can give even one dollar and forwarded this email 10 friends it would make a huge difference and might save The Last Resort from going under completely !!!

Please everyone , if you can spare anything at all , even some spare change, we would be forever grateful !!!

You can use paypal , debit or credit cards here :

on our web site's help page here :


You can mail donations ( check) to
The Last Resort
139 Point Breeze Drive
Hewitt NJ 07421

Thanks everyone !!!
Gratefully ,
The Last Resort Rescue Team

I care not much for a man's religion
whose dog and cat are not the better for it.
~Abraham Lincoln

the last resort, rescue, dog, dog rescue

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