[Given how much Altair'd talked about missing his friends, it's a surprise he's waited this long to send a message from home, but he is. It looks like he's in some sort of well-lit medieval-style house, though it's dark in there right now and it's hard to see much other than Altair
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Lie, are you okay?
[Mentally, he reminds himself that he needs to go shopping again. He's already called in a few favors and gotten himself some proper equipment; a set of chainmail, a nice, magical mace, and a small shield.]
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We do need to go shopping over the next few days, though. I have a few more favors to call in and some people who owe me things, and I think we'd better be prepared before we don't have the chance to. Did you get anything from Vaduz?
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He'll learn, I hope. Can I ask what they gave you, or is that...
[He's not sure if it's sentimental things, or useful things. He plans on going for useful things, and hopes other people are doing the same.]
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[Okay - the rest of it he gets, but when she says 'rifle', he looks a bit confused - what the hell is that? He's never encountered one.]
... what's a 'rifle'?
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[Things Altair Is Very Upset About: A heavy crossbow won't fit in that fucking box.]
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[Altair sounds far more excited about this than he should be. SERIOUSLY THOUGH, EXPLOSION-POWERED CROSSBOW, HOYL SHIT.]
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Is there anything you'd like while we're here, Lie?
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