character meme

Apr 12, 2009 21:12

Why am I indulging in a meme? It's Easter Day, bitches. ^_^ I was tagged Lavender Brown (HP) by

01 Do you like this character?
Good question. In canon, she's exactly the kind of girl I don't like: bitchy, superficial, scathing, annoying. Mean to Hermione >:( But, I can forgive fictional characters and invent mitigating inner landscapes for them easier than I can for real people. And so, the (fanon) misunderstood, chirpy closetcase Lavender is one I do like.

02 What name/s do you call this character?
Lavender usually, I don't really like Lav, it has to be well written to pull that off. In smut it just makes me think of toilets (lavatory).

03 What image/color do you associate with the character?
Gold (her hair), or baby blue, like a summer sky.

04 What image-song do you associate with this character?
Umm, can't think of anything in particular. Unless it's "Not This" by Fannypack. Maybe that shows her inner frustration at her life.

05 What blood-type do you think this character is?
I know nothing about blood types o.0

06 Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
Padma is fun. Padma challenges her to be serious. Hermione/Lavender is hot. Parvati/Lavender is obviously a great stand-by. Putting her with boys is usually pretty boring, but maybe Lavender/Neville could have promise?

07 What would you want to say to this character?
Grow up! Be nicer to Hermione! Sleep with Parvati!

08 What do you want to do with this character: Shake hands, hug, or kiss?
Hug, for the moment. But if she's well written, kiss.


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