So I caught up on Heroes.

Oct 19, 2009 19:58


1. Peter. Petrelli. Has had. Enough. God. Damn. LOVE INTERESTS. Not only has he had too many, but it risks ruining the character of the new girl, who I had hope for, dammit.

2. Okay. I thought Kimiko/Ando was an odd pairing BEFORE it was canon. Now I look at it and am so full of "WTF" that... Idk. D:

3. So, wait, there are 3 "Sylars" now - one in Matt Parkman's brain, Nathan, and Amnesia-personality guy.

4. On that note, haven't we already had the character-with-shitton-of-powers-gets-amnesia arc already, in season 2 with Peter?

5. Okay. My god. We get a canon-ish LGBT pairing and, surprise surprise, its hot lesbians. With little buildup at all. Asdfghjkl;

6. Hiro. OMG. WHUT. You are *NOT* killing him off. DDDD:

7. Of course one of the sorority girls is working for carnival guy. Of course.

8. Who the fuck IS carnival guy?

9. Pre-emptive note: Anyone who refers to Claire as a lesbian gets their face punched. She's dated guys too. It's called, I dunno, bisexuality? Thankyou.

10. ...So deaf chick can see sound and use the colors to cut things? I'm confused.

11. Where the fuck is everyone? Mohinder, Molly, that one chick with the visual muscle memory or whatever whose name I can't remember, Micah, all of them.

rant, heroes, wtfery

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