Nothing, a short story

Jun 23, 2009 00:23

Alright. So I was over at Fanpop and there is a writer's group there. Prompt: "When I saw her, it hit me" I turned it third person, though. Here it is:

When he first saw her, it hit him. He should have been attracted to her. She was hot - everything a man should want. Long, tanned legs, deep chocolate brown eyes, dark, curly, thick hair spilling over her shoulders in waves. Her smile was confident, her white teeth shining beneath soft red lips. She blinked, long lashes curled. I watched her approach with her wide hips sashaying back and forth reminicient of a metronome. But he wasn't attracted to her.

Finally she stopped in front of him.

"Hey there," she purred lustily as she adjusted her blue miniskirt. "Name's Monica. Mind if I join you?"

"No, not at all," replied Andy, gesturing towards an empty seat next to him at the bar. He stared at her. She winked, leaning forward so that he could clearly see down her shirt. Which wasn't hard, considering its size.

Dammit, he thought. Nothing.

He sighed and looked into his beer. The book had told him if he looked hard enough, he'd find someone. All he needed was to find the perfect woman. Here she was - hot, willing, confident.

Maybe it just took a while.

"Mark," he called, "get me another drink, would you?" he paused for a moment, looking at Monica. "What do you like?"

"Beer is fine," she replied. She winked again as the barkeeper handed her a cold one. She lifted it to her lips, blowing lightly across the top before putting it to her lips.

She even made t.hat look sexual.



It hadn't taken more than a beer and a half before they were in a cab headed for his place. She was all over him, hands, lips, legs. Yet, the cabdriver was clearly having a better time than he was.

He stopped at his house.

"Alright kids, have fun," he said, leering in such a way that made Andy very uncomfortable.

It took all of his self control not to push her off of him as he fumbled for his house keys. He eventually found the right one, and opened the door.


It hurt him. All this and he still couldn't feel.

By now she had noticed - not that hard when all of her skill failed to get him going.

"What's wrong honey?" she asked, straddling him.

He looked up at her, unsure of how to reply. Something was wrong. Everything was wrong.

She swore something under her breath and got off of him. She replaced the miniskirt that had somehow gotten removed and pulled up her fishnet stockings.


She turned to him and looked at him critically.

"I...I don't know," he finally responded, hanging his head. "I just... I should be turned on - I know you're attractive and hot but I just can't-"

She shushed him, putting a finger to his lips.

"I think I know what's going on, Aaron-"


"Andy," she corrected, sitting next to him on the sofa. "I have a brother like that..."

"I'm not! I'm not gay!" he finally snapped. He froze.

"Oh honey," she smiled sadly. She took him into her arms and sighed.

"I can't be, I just can't," he began rambling. "I'm attracted to girls, I'm supposed to be, there isn't any way I'm not, I must be have to be need to be,"

She sat there, rocking him slowly as he continued, tears streaking down his face and soaking her shirt.

"Baby it's okay," she whispered. "It'll be alright."

"No I'm not! I... I..."

"I think you need some time to think," she murmered. She slipped him a piece of paper. "Call that number when you figure it all out, yes?"

She left.



He called the number. He told the man on the other end that Monica had told him to call. He was immediately given the location of a coffee shop and a time.

Andy sat on a table in the corner, clutching a cup of tea long gone cold. A young man, about his age, sat across from him.

"Look," he finally spoke up, "I know."

"How can you?" Andy whispered, voice cracking.

"Just trust me," he replied, putting a hand on Andy's shoulder. "You'll get through it."

Andy looked up, brown eyes meeting green.

And suddenly, he felt it.


homosexuality, short story, original fiction

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