You know what irks me about

Jun 21, 2009 07:16

People are rude. It's the same for deviantart, really. And I haven't really noticed it as much on LJ, but then again LJ does a good job of keeping people in their cliques.

1. "NO SLASH!" I swear, whenever I see this in the description of a fic or the title of a picture it just annoys me. Not the no slash part, but how adamant they are about it. They could put it a lot nicer - "het", "gen", etc. They don't need to be all "RAWR" over it.

2. Slash-bashers. I understand if you don't like slash. Just say it's not your thing, it doesn't float your boat, whatever! I don't need you lecturing on how slash is wrong or gross. I don't like your pairing, you don't like mine, let's drop the subject. Don't want slash? DON'T LOOK AT IT. Geez, I dislike Kirk/Chekov but I don't go to all the Kirk/Chekov art/fics and go all "I HATE THIS IT'S GROSS!"

3. Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus. And most OC's in general. I just don't like most OCs when they play a major part. There are exceptions but so often OCs are self-inserts and are two-dimensional, static, flat characters (I learned something from English! Whoo!)

4. Use of txt-tlk. People usually don't put it in stories but people neglect the descriptions. And for stories, a few typos aren't bad but please don't skip punctuation and capitalization 87% of the time!

5. False advertising. I've seen it, where someone says their fic is something and then it isn't. Urgh.

Dang. I look really mean but this stuff just bothers the fuck out of me.

This is mostly born out of the fact that it's 7:26 AM and I haven't slept a wink.

slash,, rant, complaints

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