Driving Around

Feb 18, 2004 20:58

oh, k so today i got my sisters birthday presents and went shopping. well after that i went to my cuz house to help her pick out a homecomeing dress, but that's not all we did. So she likes this guy named matt lol. he's so funny and ya like jolly, but that's why he's cool. And so she's like "he's going to be coming out of SHS from student council @ 4," so we got in my car and when to the SHS parking lot. My cuz brought along The Lion King soundtrack and so she's like "let's blast it" i'm like "YAY!" So we drove all around SHS parking lot with the windows down blasting "i just can't wait to be king" and the looks we got from ppl were so totally rememberable. My cuz liked ducked down half of the time and i was like lets go extra slow and we did. And then we would park the car and wait for ppl to come out and then follow them( but the real person we were waiting was matt staffa!!)well then we went to her house real quick cause my cuz was supposed to be making dinner. And then, since matt didn't come out yet of SHS, my cuz told me to watch for him(her backyard is basically SHS)... So i like waited there and she was on the phone aqn having this serouis convo and i started screaming "he's moving, He's moving!!" and we hopped in my car and waited for him to pass. and for some reason he went the other way so we were about to turn around and he passsed and gave us this really funny look lol. and gave us the peace sign lol... and then we started laughing and went home and finished making the dinner.then we talked about it and other stuff for like 2 hrs. it was really great cause i barely see her!! I miss her all ready.awww...it was the best day ever (and one of the greatest adventures) and so funny lol!!
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