Apr 16, 2007 20:24
So I'm thinking maybe I'll feel better if I post all of my grumbles on livejournal, because, well I currently have some issues with the rest of the world right now.
So first of all I am disappointed in my TA's. Firstly, Dear Math TA: When I ask you a question the day of an exam, it is your duty to answer it. I know you know the answer and it is not acceptable to ask if anyone else has any "more important" questions because you don't feel like answering what I don't understand. It is not acceptable for you to tell me that it is explained in the book, because, duh, I read the book and I still don't get it... that is why I asked you!!! Oh inconsiderate math TA you cost me 8 whole points on the exam... being as I didn't get many points, that is definitely at least 15% of my grade.
Secondly, Dear Chem TA: I know I don't come to recitation, but it would not be worth my time. I do, however, expect more from you during lab. Please explain how you are grading the lab. How are we supposed to put certain things in the lab if we don't know what is expected to be in there? I am tired of getting 50%'s on labs, just freakin' tell us what you're looking for! Also, please show up to the posted office hours on time. I cannot just sit there and waste time waiting for you to show up.
Ok so the second thing is kinda old, but still annoying me right now.
Dear Sara, "I am going to be in tonight" I am assuming that means in your room, 4228 Balch Hall. Well, I was just there and you are not in. I am waiting.
I kinda forgot what the third thing was, but I can go with the weather for now.
Dear Mother Nature, I know all the snow on the trees is really pretty and I am in love with snow, but it is April and I'm not sure you realized that. 40mph winds do not mix well with chunks of thick heavy snow flying down from the sky and into my face, especially at a school where you walk everywhere uphill and get a snow day once every 6-10 years.
so i guess i do feel kinda better... anyway, i must get back to work.