Knee surgery FTW

Feb 21, 2009 18:32

Had knee surgery yesterday. They removed a bunch of extra cartilage and also some floaty bits and I dunno what else they did because I was really, really drugged at the time. Overall everyone was helpful and caring and generally nice, except the stupid nurse. I told absolutely everyone I spoke to for the two weeks leading up to this event that I needed to minimize the time between sticking the iv in my arm and getting something in the iv to chill me out because of my massive medical phobia. Everyone said I must speak to the anesthesiologist. He was supposed to call me the night before the surgery. He was supposed to check in with me right after I checked into the surgery center.

He finally showed up...30 minutes after the nurse wanted to stick the iv in my arm. Because it's all about convenience, you know? And my gigantic medical phobia that I kept telling everyone all about so they would be forewarned was somewhat inconvenient for them. They also wanted to start the iv and basically do everything before they let J in to see me. I also refused that. The anesthesiologist showed up immediately before they wanted to take me into the operating room, when I was already in tears from arguing with the nurse about the iv. I told him I was going to need something immediately after they stuck it in.

I also warned them I was going to be basically nonfunctional with an iv in my arm. They didn't actually believe me. I woke up in the recovery room acutely aware of how bad the iv in the back of my hand hurt. I started crying. They told me to stop. I started bawling hysterically and continued to do so until they removed it and bandaged my hand with gauze. All the while they kept asking how my knee felt. I told them it felt fine and didn't hurt but the iv hurt REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD and could they please do something about it. They told me to calm down.

When they finally removed the gauze from the back of my hand it was soaked with blood. I now have a huge bruise on my hand, I think somebody screwed up because ivs are not supposed to bleed that much. The knee feels pretty darned good, I can put weight on it and I've been out to breakfast and to an awesome sale at a fabric store. I have my husband and best friend taking care of me and keeping me company. Life is pretty good.

Until I go back and do it again for the other knee. My knees are deformed.
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