On Memorial Day Vala3, Owl (aka Momcat09) and I went to see Star Trek again. It was the third time for me and I finally had a chance to focus on some of the other performances besides the main people.
I actually have another LJ for posting book reviews, but I've been ignoring it for the last few months--That will change. This whole waking up to fandom again blind-sided me. I am enjoying it with a fierceness that I haven't felt for a long time.
I though about doing a book list here as a main post, but I've decided not too. Mainly because my reading tastes are so eclectic that there are no commonalities to be found here for readers simply looking for a 'good read'. My book lists would make me come off as a pompous twit, or worse, A show-off pompous twit, and I don't want to go there.
I read about 400 books a year. It's my job to be reasonably well read. So one passion feeds another and I keep reading to the bursting point. There will come a time when fan-fiction temporarily ceases to satisfy, it has happened (to me)twice so it will probably happen again. But this time around I'm trying to keep a better balance. I really do understand your need for a fan-fiction dearth. Between us we have been reading fan-fiction for over sixty years. That is why I am so thankful for your editing help especially if you are in a resting period.
As for travel, V3 does quite a lot, but not me. I hope to be in the mountains for leaf change again this fall. I can't make DragonCon it conflicts with work so my year is going to be fairly staid one.
I hope your melodrama eventually calms down. Tell the Spousal Unit hello for me.
I actually have another LJ for posting book reviews, but I've been ignoring it for the last few months--That will change.
Make an announcement when you start using it because I'd like to friend it. I like seeing what other people are reading - sometimes I get good ideas. ;)
My reading tastes are very eclectic too. I have no particular genre favorite or anything like that. I just like a good read, and have been picking up books lately purely based on what sounds good to me at the time when I read the synopsis or a review somewhere. Which accounts for why I see a book in my pile and forget why I picked it up in the first place later on. ;)
As for fan fiction, it goes in cycles with me. A few years ago, though, I was reading so much of it that I think I almost completely burned myself out, and now I only read the very occasional piece by someone I know and whose taste I trust, or a rec by, again, someone whose taste is very similar to mine.
I though about doing a book list here as a main post, but I've decided not too. Mainly because my reading tastes are so eclectic that there are no commonalities to be found here for readers simply looking for a 'good read'. My book lists would make me come off as a pompous twit, or worse, A show-off pompous twit, and I don't want to go there.
I read about 400 books a year. It's my job to be reasonably well read. So one passion feeds another and I keep reading to the bursting point. There will come a time when fan-fiction temporarily ceases to satisfy, it has happened (to me)twice so it will probably happen again. But this time around I'm trying to keep a better balance. I really do understand your need for a fan-fiction dearth. Between us we have been reading fan-fiction for over sixty years. That is why I am so thankful for your editing help especially if you are in a resting period.
As for travel, V3 does quite a lot, but not me. I hope to be in the mountains for leaf change again this fall. I can't make DragonCon it conflicts with work so my year is going to be fairly staid one.
I hope your melodrama eventually calms down. Tell the Spousal Unit hello for me.
Make an announcement when you start using it because I'd like to friend it. I like seeing what other people are reading - sometimes I get good ideas. ;)
My reading tastes are very eclectic too. I have no particular genre favorite or anything like that. I just like a good read, and have been picking up books lately purely based on what sounds good to me at the time when I read the synopsis or a review somewhere. Which accounts for why I see a book in my pile and forget why I picked it up in the first place later on. ;)
As for fan fiction, it goes in cycles with me. A few years ago, though, I was reading so much of it that I think I almost completely burned myself out, and now I only read the very occasional piece by someone I know and whose taste I trust, or a rec by, again, someone whose taste is very similar to mine.
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