Maru Guy

May 27, 2009 02:08

On Memorial Day Vala3, Owl (aka Momcat09) and I went to see Star Trek  again. It was the third time for me and I finally had a chance to focus on some of the other performances besides the main people.

Maru Guy

I was particularity taken with (minor lust here) the black guy sitting at the weapons station during Kirk’s third Kobayashi Maru test. If I have the actor right and I’m not sure, it was Jonathan Dixon. He is listed on IMDB as the Simulator Tactical Officer. I enjoyed his absolute glee as he was participating in a Maru meltdown. I hope he’s one of Kirk’s friends I’d like to see him again in the future movies.   Most likely he’s one of the guys that run the simulation. I can imagine him doing this simulation over and over with thousands of cadets and watching them lose and then watching the inevitable emotional fallout. He was definitely into the ‘win’ this time, I’m sure he knew the second the program veered off, and he didn’t look all that surprised. Wouldn’t it be cool if he was the guy who helped Kirk get access to the program code?  I wonder if the character was ever given a name. I might try to write a story about him. Hummmmmm.

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