Aug 15, 2007 14:16
So Liam is eating my mouse right now….and typing things I have to keep deleting ;)
So my grandfather (mom’s dad) is in a hospice now. I have heard it is nice and that they are taking good care of him. He has been terminally ill for a while now, and it has been rather stressful for my family. I hope everyone in Las Vegas is doing well.
Liam is for real teething, poor little guy. He woke up last night just screaming and had a fever. Must hurt quite a bit. He’s 7 months old tomorrow and he is getting so big. Sitting upright, playing a bit by himself, and just being cute in general.
Fall semester starts soon, means I’m 20 hrs a week, and paid half as much. Oh well, better than working full time and paying for daycare. I will be glad to have my PhD over with. I am finally so sick of school I can barely stand it. Good thing I’m not taking classes ;)
Ryan is doing well at work and enjoying being finished with school. The weather here has been a real bummer. Way too hot.
I have been meeting some great new people at the breastfeeding café going on all this month at the SLC library. I met a reviewer for the American Journal of Chemistry, I met a professor in political science, PhD in special education, it’s like a gathering of super intelligent women, and it’s really cool. I feel like the baby in the group! It’s a lot of fun though. I have not been able to make it much this week, but I’ve already learned how to crochet a baby sling, make one out of fabric, wear Liam around, and had some really neat conversations. I may even be able to exchange babysitting with some of the women. Way cool. I have been breastfeeding for 7 months now, and it is not easy to do, but it is nice to have support! Isn’t that a funny thing to say? I guess less than 10% of women make it as far as I do.
I have decided I need to finish all the crafts I have in my house. They are really piling up. I just need to finish them and get them out as gifts or something.
Well, I guess I better go. Liam needs my attention