Jul 21, 2007 07:58
So things have been a little crazy to say the least. My sister Alaina, Liam, and I all went to Las Vegas last weekend to visit my grandpa. They have started home hospice care for him, and have given him only a couple of months to live, so we wanted to go see him for a bit. Liam ended up getting sick, just a bit of a stomach bug of some sort, but got over it pretty fast. We could only stay a couple of days and had to get a rental car to drive down because our car was in the shop getting a new clutch. Yeah, it took them about a week and cost a whole lot, but what ya gonna do? Let's just say I would never ever ever pay actual money for a Subaru. Pain in the butt to say the least.
Anyways, Liam is now 6 months and weighs 17 lbs 1.5 oz. He is also 26 3/4 inches, which makes him a pretty tall baby. He is now in the 70th percentile for length. He also had his first bit of rice cereal today. It was his first solid food, and he seemed to enjoy it well enough. Right now he's a bit out of sorts because he had his third round of immunizations today.
Ryan and Alaina are out getting a copy of Harry Potter right now. Alaina dressed up as Hermione. It was pretty fun getting her costume together. I hope we will all find a way to share two books between the 3 of us :)
I am finding it so hard to stay motivated with school. I am still really tired most of the time, so staying on track is a bit difficult. I hope to get it done and over with soon, even though I have been burnt out since Fall semester 05. Yeah, I have really been unmotivated since the semester from hell almost made me hate geology. Oh well, someday maybe I will be done with school finally. Maybe.
Liam is crying, poor little guy, must suck to get shots in the legs.....