Jan 24, 2007 19:51
The Uberchristian is no longer in our employ, he no-call-no-show'd 3 days in a row. Linda being the worrier wondered if he was Ok, we all knew better, he was just too "tired" and didn't come in Saturday, and it just escalated from there. He finally called Tuesday afternoon and asked about getting his stuff out of his truck, he knew he was fired, no apology just said his wife had to go to the hospital, maybe if he didn't beat her so hard that wouldn't have happen, I know that thought may be wrong but I just know that is what happened.
How can a president that gets a BJ from a perfectly legal and willing woman be practically burned at the stack, whilst another that lies to the public about an unjustified war, causing the death of untold thousands, be left to continue his reign of deceit unchecked. My next thought, politically is about Mark Foley, I know this is a bit late but I think about these things for awhile. Did he come out on his own accord, or was he forced to "out" himself, to further the stereo type, so pushed by the Right, that gays like under age boys? Hmmm.