Today In Tweeting

Jul 07, 2010 10:04

Todays Tweets:

  • 10:26 RT @whitehouse #LetsMove & @GOOD form like Voltron yadayadayada. What's important here is that @whitehouse made a Voltron joke. #
  • 15:07 Three digit heat #
  • 15:44 D(e)ut(s)ch Cup halfway there! #
  • 17:22 We reset the heat records in Central Park. Yaaaay.... #
  • 18:16 @ PlanesNoSnakes if youre not going, can i have your ticket? #
  • 19:01 The #Mets score is 1-0. The 1 is from Santana. Who just hit a home run. His first. Ever. #
  • 19:55 @ pattyycakess win #
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