Today In Tweeting

Jul 06, 2010 10:02

Todays Tweets:

  • 11:51 Dear Everyone and @photocritic Doc Brown never set it to 7/5/10. The Libyans got in the way. #
  • 13:01 @ dness88 sharia don't like it #
  • 13:05 @ dness88 or is it the sharief dont? shaa really? i #
  • 16:03 @ AngelooC @StVX or there was that one super weird wedding at the TAC that I had to work. It was more bizarre than your bizarre, I betchya. #
  • 16:24 @ StVX @AngelooC and now the bride and groom take their first ceremonial scooter/bike lap around the hallway #
  • 17:18 Awk walking around in the background of a MS video w Bobby V at Shea. #
  • 19:43 And Jerry's about to get ejected on something we'd probably all be doing right now #
  • 19:44 Yep. Manuel ejected for doing what every person in the stadium and watching at home would be doing. #
  • 20:12 @ jmeltzer arguing an absolute cock of a call reversal #
  • 21:32 @ Lizabel62 GOOD #
  • 09:03 I can breathe through my nose again. That is a good thing. #
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