It's been 2 years...

Jun 18, 2011 22:11

So, it's been a while. I'm sure nobody checks this, so this is for my own posterity. Hello future self...hopefully you've managed to make something of yourself!

So, I guess I'll start with Best Buy. I'm still working's been a ride. Started off in the warehouse...on Merchandising. Planogram upkeep, working out trucks, etc. A guy quit...they moved me to inventory. Shipping/recieving, etc. Another guy quit, they moved me up to his job. Another guy quit...they thrust all his responsibilities on me at the last second, and had me running the warehouse solo where there had been 3 people before...and I couldn't keep up with the work. His job went up on the job posting (fulltime Inventory) at the end of May, 2010. I wasn't their 1st choice, wasn't their 2nd, and when they both turned it down, I wasn't their third. After all that, I ended up getting switched onto the sales floor last September. Been there since...selling Digital Cameras and MP3 players. They made gaming it's own department, went on 6 seperate interviews for Supervisor, didn't even get a consideration for one of them. Went on another interview for Gaming full time...found out it was only going to be part time. Then, randomly, I didn't get moved like I was supposed to...because I had a day off, and they decided "since these two guys are working today, lets just make them the gaming employees.

Beyond that, I'm just tired of being a shill for their branded payments. I understand it's a great way for a company to make money...but we'd be making money without getting bitched out and our jobs threatened over it. I was hoping to move up within the company, but after all this, I don't really want to...maybe if I could get a corporate job, and tell off the idiots that are making branded payments into such a nightmare.

As far as relationships go...they still aren't going anywhere. I've still more or less been single since Emily. Every girl I meet is crazy. I spent a few summers with a girl named Lexi...we had fun, but were never in a real relationship. Halloween became pretty clear she was in love with me...felt nothing for her...haven't really talked since. Been with a few girls since then...but nothing spectacular. I've spent a month or so with this girl now...we have fun, but there's no serious emotional attachment. Actually, I usually don't even have fun talking to her...but it's nice to have someone to cuddle with and watch movies.

The whole reason I'm on LJ is because...well, I decided to make a list of all the girls I've been with, and was hoping it would help me remember a few. Frankly, I've only got 16, and I'm pretty sure I'm missing a fairly large number. I remember there was a summer where there were 5, but I can only think of 2. Here's the list, as I can remember it.

Gina - I suppose you would be my first love. I don't often look back on our's been over, and I don't have any regrets. Sometimes it takes me a while just to come up with your name, actually.
Crystal - You would be the one that taught me that I don't like things that are good for me...haha. If I had been in my right mind, I would have made you mine...but it never felt right.
Fat chick - That's right, I don't even remember your name. I was lonely over the summer, and you were my only option. I didn't find you at all attractive...or engaging in any way. Never talked to you again.
Laura - We dated, and it was great. We broke up over I Heart a last straw. We had nothing in common...but you were reliable...a trait which I still have a hard time coming across.
Amy - You eventually tried to make me jealous by telling me how much better another guy was in bed...but you were terrible. You wrapped your legs around me so tight it kind of hurt, and I couldn't even move.
Lommie - We were friends, though not extremely good ones. Dunno really what to say about you...there was nothing spectacular one way or another.
Dori - You led me on...plain and simple. We should have been together, but you broke up with me 18 hours later. Walking away from you was a long, difficult process...but I ended up doing it the best I could.
Katie - I had an awesome time with you...but sexual frustration got to me. You refused to call me your boyfriend, and then left me when something better came along. We had sex after all this, and I cant remember what happened after that...why we didn't try again.
chick doing orientation - You came to Greeley for your orientation, and we hooked up. I spent the night, ended up having sex at like 4 am. You later made comments about how it was bad, and black guys are bigger, and some other things.
Topanga - You were a good friend, and I guess you are now again, since we're talking now, haha. But yeah...we had fun, we "broke up" when you thought I was getting too serious.
Emily - We had awesome chemestry, but I suppose we were ultimately doomed to fail. I would have loved you if the circumstances were different, but we burned out too fast. I hope you're well, but think you're back in the meth game.
Lexi - We were screwing in 2008, and then again in the summer of 2009. Dunno what caused the falling out in the middle, but you ended up attached, and I got sick of our game.
Fat blonde chick - Another that I don't remember your name. You were unattractive to say the least...we had no real were a hole. Pretty scummy of me, but I was disgusted at myself for kissing you, let alone having sex.
Nikki D - All you talked about was at first, but eventually, I grew tired. I never had anything to say to you....and didn't find you that attractive.
Christina - I couldn't even see you underneath all that baggage. Getting divorced, losing weight, "discovering yourself". No real chemistry, I didn't have a word to say to you.
Nicole - Ah...We don't really talk, we fight. The sex is great, but it's really all there is. It's nice having someone to hold, but that's really all there is.
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